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OoC thread
Yeah that's true, he's only been nice to three people.  Mardak asked him who he was and the soldier didn't say anything.  If he was good, he would have answered. 

No one is dead.  No one but him got hurt.  Let it go.
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So you're saying because the DM missed your question that that makes him evil?

Ummm, Let it go? This from someone who is hanging on to hate because a character didn't tell you his name? Perspective...

And lets be polite when we talk in an open forum. If you or anyone for that matter has an issue with something, PM me. Don't be leaving snarky remarks here!

Joking around is fine though. Big Grin

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(11-04-2015, 02:48 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: Hah! I was seriously considering that.  Loads of rp right there.  Fighter or paladin might actually fit best, considering.  And our beguilet and hexblade are both neutral.  And selune is chaotic.

I was also thinking about a ranger.  The tracking and survival would come in handy.  You could even add levels of scout.  One of my players in my RL game has a scout and he does some nice damage using a crossbow with their skirmish ability.  Also Tomeal also doesn't have to be even human.  There are plenty of races that are human looking.

Anyways, let me know if you want him to eventually be a cohort.  Remember, we can also do both.  Tomeal could join us as a DMPC and then you could hire someone else to be a cohort later.
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I thought this was amusingSmile
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I was thinking that you missed the question but it's just as easy to scroll up. Also are you giving experience for Background/storylines? If so, I should have more.
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Uh huh... well, I just looked over what happened. You asked Tomeal his name. Then instead of waiting for his response like a regular player would do, you started a conversation with Betimi. There was a lot of chatting back and forth so I missed the question. It was a mistake. I'm not perfect.

Re: backgrounds... I will give experience points eventually. I'm just waiting for more people to post backgrounds. I need to have some idea what kinds/ quality/ size of backgrounds are produced before assigning xp. I'd like to give a good chunk of xp so everyone will level up.

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I thought there would be an understanding that her conversation with Betimi would begin after he told her his name. Apologies for the confusion. I'm thinking scout is an interesting idea. I'm not certain what the strength of our melee capability is, but we have almost none in terms of ranged. I need to think about it.
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That may have sounded like I was complaining or 'bitching' but I wasn't. Just pointing it out is all. I have to watch my comments more then. And no, I am not full of hate, unless I am a Sith.
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Goooooood! Now, release your hatred. Only with the full power of the dark side can you ever hope to defeat me!
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I'm not a regular player?!?! Yay!!! Guess that means I'm awesome. I'm glad your sister is okay. Sith always win in the end :p
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