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OOC - Rancor Pit (OoC Chat)
She is…but she’s not comfortable with it. Jetisse stuff and all that.
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(07-19-2021, 04:05 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Almost correct, except Korstynn is a pilot.. she does not have the skill, she has a force ability that lets her use Use teh Force as a Pilot skill

That will give her a Pilot +8 which unfortunately is still slightly lower than Ubi's +9.

Can the droids be used as gunners?
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(07-19-2021, 04:24 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(07-19-2021, 04:05 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Almost correct, except Korstynn is a pilot.. she does not have the skill, she has a force ability that lets her use Use teh Force as a Pilot skill

That will give her a Pilot +8 which unfortunately is still slightly lower than Ubi's +9.

Can the droids be used as gunners?

Unfortunately no, only because their heuristic processors have that limit that won't let them harm living things .. at leat not permanently.. so if they can be made to believe they are only attacking droids.. yes, otherwise no.. unless someone does some  'operating' on their protocols.. but that can be dangerous...   of course that battle droid brain you have, but that has no body.. has no such limit.. doesn't help you now, but if you get him installed in a body it does

remember you also have the astromech droid so another possible system operator or engineer there.

You totally forgot you have another droid
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(07-19-2021, 04:36 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote:
(07-19-2021, 04:24 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(07-19-2021, 04:05 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Almost correct, except Korstynn is a pilot.. she does not have the skill, she has a force ability that lets her use Use teh Force as a Pilot skill

That will give her a Pilot +8 which unfortunately is still slightly lower than Ubi's +9.

Can the droids be used as gunners?

Unfortunately no, only because their heuristic processors have that limit that won't let them harm living things .. at leat not permanently.. so if they can be made to believe they are only attacking droids.. yes, otherwise no.. unless someone does some  'operating' on their protocols.. but that can be dangerous...   of course that battle droid brain you have, but that has no body.. has no such limit.. doesn't help you now, but if you get him installed in a body it does

remember you also have the astromech droid so another possible system operator or engineer there.

You totally forgot you have another droid

We have 3 droids or 4?  I knew we had at least 3.
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3 Jendu's two plus the astromech.. but you have the brain from a battle droid... and the body of the former PC droid.. just brain and body are not together yet
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In the words of Les Miserables: “We’ve guns enough, but ammunition’s short.”
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you may have to have someone do double duty as engineer/gunner.. especially since you have so many engineers
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The Millennium Falcon only had 6 crew.  In the movies it appeared that Leia would Pilot.  Chewy would Co-Pilot. Solo and Luke would be gunners. C3PO would likely be the Sy-Op cuz he would talk to the computer and R2D2 would likely be the Engineer.  They didn't seem to have any commander.  

We may have to have Korstyn jump into a gunner seat until we can figure out permanent gunners.  It shouldn't be that difficult to remove the non-violence programming from the droids and then maybe buy some combat upgrades for them.
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Commander is the most 'sacrifice-able' position, as their only function is 'aid another'
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Ubi can jump into a pilot seat if that will help sort things out?
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