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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
Here. Been busy and waiting for the group to settle on who is going to do what on the first shift. Not deciding for you
You have a surplus of pilots all with +8 or +9, surplus mechanics (the droids and the Talz), but few system operators, commanders or gunners (heavy weapons or Starship weaponry)
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[[Both Ubi and Korstyn are capable Commanders. I dunno who has Heavy Weapons.]]
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I think only Dez and the Talz (Njon). You actually have co-pilot and two gunnery positions to fill, so will have to put someone nonproficient in the role no matter what
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[[They get to play Luke Skywalker, then.]]
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Captain Ubi Sunt will take the Commanders seat, unless anyone objects strongly.
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[[Not that she's objecting, but where does that leave Korstyn? Just along for the ride, I suppose?]]
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With your higher base attack you can be a gunner..or co-pilot since you are a competent pilot as well as having one of the huigher BAB (co-pilot operated the main forward gun turret, the gunners operate the side gun turrets.)
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[Can we move this to the OoC section?  That's where the best positionsions for everyone is written.]
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Actually, Jendu has a +5 Ranged attack bonus.  So he's not bad.  But don't we get penalties if we don't have Heavy weapons proficiency?
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(07-19-2021, 03:18 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote: Actually, Jendu has a +5 Ranged attack bonus.  So he's not bad.  But don't we get penalties if we don't have Heavy weapons proficiency?

 Yes, that is why Njon and Dez are trhe best, because they are proficient. Everyone else gets a -5
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