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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[[OOC:  Is someone going to try to do something with the water or the plasmoid remains (such as they were), or any of the boxes and crates in the hold?  Glancing at them as you moved through towards the wet hold, all of the various containers you could see in the hold were opened.]]
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Melville quickly looks if there is any barrel or cask in the cargo area that we could use as a big scoop to scoop the creatures remains into.

"Wait, let's find a bigger bucket."
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Looking around the hold there are several standard barrels or large boxes, although Melville realizes that it would take a feat some notable athletic prowess to be able to scoop of full barrel of water and slime up and out of the water hold while standing on the metal walkway.
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Rupert moves to one of the standard barrels and checks its contents, emptying the barrel if necessary, before maneuvering the empty barrel over to the ladder and attempting to use it as a scoop to remove water and slime from the hold, saying to Anders, "PLEASE MOVE ANDERS! SO I CAN TRY MY STRENGTH TO SEE IF I CAN  BAIL OUT THE HOLD."

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Anders is hanging on the ladder across the room from the doorway that Rupert is standing in. All of the containers you can see in the hold have been obviously wrenched or pulled open and emptied of anything obviously edible.  Rupert can attempt to scoop out the slime, although it will be a massive amount of weight.  Please give me an Athletics check with disadvantage, although Anders will give you some help to balance it out, which will negate the disadvantage and let you roll it straight.

[Image: wasp_interior9.png]
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Athletics Check =[1d20+5]=16+5=21
[OoC: let me know how many more checks I need to make with Anders help to empty the hold ]
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[[Are you trying to empty the hold or just capture as much of the slime as possible?  Gathering the slime would require you to move to the end of the metal walkway to dip it out from the greatest concentration.  If you are aiming to empty the hold, you only need to step forward onto the walkway to start filling the barrel, but it was take a long time time (30 minutes +) to drain down the overall volume.  If you notice the side view in the upper left corner you can see that the area under the walkway is likely only a couple feet, but the back of the room drops significantly deeper.]]
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Melville tells Rupert "Just scoop out the slime for now."
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Rupert will start with the slime.
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Rupert grabs an empty barrel from the hold and steps out onto the metal walkway.  The metal groans under his weight and Anders reminds him to grab the ballista bolt. He stomps to the end of the walkway and carefully sinks the barrel in such a way as to create a vessel for the slime to drop into.  Water and slime pours into the barrel quickly and the sudden shift in weigh nearly overbalances the Giff.  At the last moment, he was able to get the bolt in place, bracing himself against the far wall while supporting the barrel with a single arm.  In a truly impressive demonstration of Giff physical prowess and dedicated monk training, Rupert grunts and lifts the full, sloshing barrel out of the water and onto the walkway.  It looks like at least half of the oozy, slimy plasmoid remains were drawn into the barrel.

[[As he has now gotten closer to the water than anyone else, Rupert can give me a Perception check.]]
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