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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
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Bazzalan will be sure to look not only at the pool, but at the walls and ceiling just in case it can stick to surfaces.  

"This creature could be regenerating.  We must work quickly," Bazzalan whispers.

[If no one knows how to drain the cargo hold, Bazz continues...]

Clearing his throat the Satyr adds, "You ignoring our pleas for an end to this misunderstanding is troubling and is only proving you wish to remain at odds.  For our own safety, you are leaving us with only one option.  If you do not peacefully come out of the water, we will have no choice but to press the issue and assume you mean us harm.  So we are going to give you to the count of 3 to come out peacefully or the water will be electrified. One... <waiting> Two... <waiting> Three... "

If there is no response, Bazzalan looks at Melville..
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"To drain the water, you'd need to find something with a larger mass, so that it's gravity would supercede this ship's gravity.  Then the water will literally fall out."

"Rupert, please step aside, you are in my way."

When Rupert moves aside even a little, on the count of three.. not after three, but ON tghree, Melville breathes lightning into the water.
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At Melville's request Rupert will shift 5' down.
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The irregular burbling continues from the far corner and the water in hold continues to slosh back and forth, but there is no other response from within the room to anything the group has said or done.

[[Melville, go ahead and roll your damage. Are you just blasting straight out into the room, angled down to the water, or targeting somewhere specific?]]
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Dragon breath - lightning [3d6]=5 Reflex DC13 for 1/2

Yes he breathes straight out and down for now

[OoC in earl;ier editions, lightning hitting water expanded through the water like a fireball, so not sure about 5th ed.]

Dragon breath - lightning [3d6]=5 Reflex DC13 for 1/2
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"I do not like the idea of harming a creature, possibly even killing it when it could be only scared.  Do you think perhaps I should try to put it to sleep?"

[OoC: We've presumably damaged it quite a bit.  If we stand back 20' and I roll high enough on a 5d8 we could put it to sleep and hopefully it will float to the surface. ]

[[ Sleep: This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points. ]]
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(06-03-2021, 02:58 PM)Melville Wrote: Dragon breath  - lightning [3d6]=5 Reflex DC13 for 1/2

Yes he breathes straight out and down for now

[OoC in earl;ier editions, lightning hitting water expanded through the water like a fireball, so not sure about 5th ed.]

Dragon breath  - lightning [3d6]=5 Reflex DC13 for 1/2

The lightning flashes and pulses through the pool of scummy water.  A rush of bubbles accompanies a large gelatinous mass floating to the surface in the far right corner.  The irregular burbling has ceased.
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"I Think that maybe the sleep may no longer be... needed. Hopw does one bandage a blob?"
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Bazz is startled by the sudden flash of lightning.  When the creature floats to the surface and the burbling stops, Bazz looks at the wizard and says sarcastically, "Nice going..."  

Sighing, he asks, "Does anyone have a rope?  Or even maybe a mage hand?"  Bazz then looks at Melville and asks, "How are you at swimming?"
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