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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: Cin has precise/point blank shot but she will still take a -4 to hit due to shooting through someone's square unless she moves and takes an AoO. ]

Cin quickly decides to NOT move, deciding to take the penalty instead.  

Pistol Attack: [1d20+8]=20+8=28, Damage: [1d8]=7; POSSIBLE CRIT!
Confirm Critical: Pistol Attack: [1d20+8]=4+8=12, Damage: [1d8]=2; Probably failed.  Sad
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Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
20.8Humanoid---3 splash damage + 7 bullet 10 total damage------
15.6Essaccus------11/ 11------
12.2Reawyn------15/ 15------
11.4Cin------18/ 18------
8.4Eva+3 splash---17/ 17------
4.2Gurkagh+3 splash---8/ 10------

Cin spins her pistol and fires off a shot.  The cartridge hits the Skeleton in its already cracked and partially dissolved shoulder.  Its heavily damaged frame is hurled backward into the wall with a loud crack, shattering into tiny pieces.  [There might be 1 femur left if someone wants to use it as a club.]

Combat done.
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You all hear some strange noises coming from the nearby room with the holomap.
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Gurkagh will pick up the femur, giving it a few experimental swings.

"Something make noise."

He points the femur at the door behind E10
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On his turn E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 will turn towards the door, holding his attack for any threat appearing from that doorway.
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Eva cancels her planned acrobatics movements and casts Mage Hand. She opens the door from distance. "We have come out from there ..."
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Eva opens the door and from inside the room you can see the room seems more active.  More lights are displayed and the buzzing from the equipment seems much more energetic.  Anyone with any tech skill or trait guesses the equipment has now completely powered up.  A strange glow catches Reawyn's eye, emanating from inside the room where you fought the Boss-Creature.
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"Everyone, there is something happening in that other room as well."

Reawyn will ready his sling, to lob a bullet should something attack when Eva opens that door.
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[[If the door wasn't still open then you wouldn't be able to see into the room... E10 double tapped so it's locked in the open position until you tap again. ]]

[Move Action]  Cin reloads her pistol with pellets and powder.

[Move Action]  She then moves down the hall toward the light and stops 5' before the doors [k-9] and tries to peek into the room toward where the strange glow was coming from.
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[FYI: I laid the map out horizontally because it fits the screen better.  But you are entering the room from its south side.  So the strange glow is coming from the west side of the room - behind the large table (Top of the map). ]

[OoC: Keep in mind, no one has even examined the room yet.  You've just searched the creature and the desk. ]

Cin reloads and moves down the hallway.  Unfortunately she can't see the west wall so she doesn't know what is producing the glow.
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