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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
It takes a few minutes, but Rupert is able to cut the chest away from the ship.
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With the chest cut free, what are you all doing next?
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Melville continues to search this room , letting Rupert go take the chest to be securely transferred to the Riposte.
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Rupert will follow Melvilles directions, and will ensure it is safely transfered over to thier ship, and then return promptly.
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Looking through the bags, they reveal an assortment of skins and decorative bone wearables; minor trinkets of shells, beads and stones; and a total of 5 gp, 14 ep, 7 sp.  In addition, you find a set of carpentry tools (including a wider than normal range of hand drills) and spoon made of carved antler with something written on it in what appears to be Orcish.  This spoon was the other magical aura that Melville had detected earlier.  The only other thing of note is a small book with leather pages and a cover made of a single, extremely thick and veined leaf.  The book is roughly half filled with small, tight writing in Lizardfolk.  The last half of the book is blank.
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Melville will set the coins, spoon and book aside in another bag, for transfer over to the Riposte, and later identification.
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Melville and Bazz finish going through the bags and hammocks as Rupert finishes freeing the chest.  The Giff picks up the chest and begins carrying it towards the open deck.  Melville pulls the strings on the collected loot bag that Anders had handed him and he and Bazz fall into step behind him.  Anders, having been standing by the door out of the way, turns and preceeds the group out of the room.

For just a moment the three of you can see Anders framed in the door, his mailed back to you.  Suddenly a thunderous booming wave of concussion slams into him, causing him to stagger sidewise.  The boom echoes and resonates within the small crew room you are in.

[[OOC:  Everyone please give me a Wisdom Save to avoid the effects of the cacophonous booming.  You can also give me an initiative roll.]]
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Wisdom save [1d20+3]=12+3=15
Initiative [1d20-1]=9-1=8
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Wisdom Save = [1d20+5]=7+5=12,
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