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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
Eva is looking for traces in the thick layers of dust. Was here someone recently and poked something?
Then she examines the glass-topped table. First the top then the bottom of the table.
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(04-06-2021, 03:30 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: Eva is looking for traces in the thick layers of dust. Was here someone recently and poked something?
Then she examines the  glass-topped table. First the top then the bottom of the table.

The dust looks undisturbed.  The large glass-topped table is round and is a solid piece from top to bottom.  There are no 'legs' you'd see on a typical table.  If it's meant to do something it appears to be powered down or broken.
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She also examines the metal desk (control panel?), signs, marks, colors,...

Is here something like a fuse box in this room?
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(04-07-2021, 08:28 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: She also examines the metal desk (control panel?), signs, marks, colors,...

Is here something like a fuse box in this room?

The large metal desk is covered with blinking lights, while a humming pillar of purple-and-black metal stands nearby, its sides flashing with tendrils of violet energy. A single golden panel flashes with a soft but incessant light on the side of this pillar.  Eva examines the metal desk and realizes the marking on the panel are written in Androffan, a language she can understand.  Examining the inscription in the soft flashing light, doesn't give her much information.  It seems the room is powered down and there isn't any inscription indicating there's any button on the metal desk that would reactivate the power.
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Realizing that the room is undisturbed, so that means none of the people they are searching for have been here. Reawyn makes a mental note of the room and begins to progress down the hallway, checking for traps as he goes.
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Since Reawyn left Eva in the room by herself, Cin felt there were enough people guarding the corridor so she quietly steps into the room and starts making search checks of her own.  She knew something about technology so she looks around for anything that might help activate the tech in the room.

[Perception +8] Perception: [1d20+8]=11+8=19
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(04-12-2021, 06:14 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(04-07-2021, 08:28 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: She also examines the metal desk (control panel?), signs, marks, colors,...

Is here something like a fuse box in this room?

The large metal desk is covered with blinking lights, while a humming pillar of purple-and-black metal stands nearby, its sides flashing with tendrils of violet energy. A single golden panel flashes with a soft but incessant light on the side of this pillar.  Eva examines the metal desk and realizes the marking on the panel are written in Androffan, a language she can understand.  Examining the inscription in the soft flashing light, doesn't give her much information.  It seems the room is powered down and there isn't any inscription indicating there's any button on the metal desk that would reactivate the power.

I can read Androffan, but these inscriptions doesn't give me too much information. It seems this room is an undisturbed dead end. Let's go forward on the other way. We can search this room later more thoroughly.

She is following Reawyn.
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Eva explains she found nothing on the metal desk and suggests they should move on and search later, Cin wonders about the humming pillar of purple-and-black metal that stands nearby.  Its sides are flashing with tendrils of violet energy, displaying a single golden panel flashing with a soft but incessant light on the side of this pillar.  Cin can't help but think the flashing light seems kind of important...
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"Have you touched the flashing, golden panel?"
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(04-14-2021, 03:49 PM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: "Have you touched the flashing, golden panel?"

Nope, I haven't touched any panel. Should I? Okay. - Eva casts a Mage Hand spell and touches the flashing, golden suspend panel with an arrow from distance (25ft).
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