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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(04-12-2021, 01:18 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: Rupert will let Melville and Bazz check the bags and the chest first. Then he will look for obvious chests. [+5 Perception]

[[OOC: Obvious chests?  There is just the one, you don't need to a roll for that.]]
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[OoC: I'm pretty sure Rupert is the best at searching for traps.  He just can't disable them without the tools  proficiency.]

Bazz will carefully look for traps along the floors and finally the closest bag.

[Perception +3]
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[[OOC: I think you are right, just based on the bonuses.]]

Both of you surveying the room reveals no indications of traps on the floor, first hammock, or first bag.
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Ag first then the hammock.
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*Ag = Bag
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Checking the first bag reveals a small golden locket with a drawn portrait of a lizardfolk, a couple of small books of bound leaves bearing white script. One is written in Lizardfolk and the other is written in Giant.  There is also 17 silver pieces in a small leather pouch.  Finally there is a dagger in a leather sheath.

The hammock still has a mix of tanned furs wrapped up in it, but otherwise holds nothing of interest.
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Is Melville's detect magic still up? if so he will scan teh room slowly. If not he will move forward, helping to search for possible traps.
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One of the bags and the chest contain some kind of magical auras.
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Rupert will carefully examine the above said bag and then the chest looking for traps or possible magical markings (ie. Wards)
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There is no indication of traps, sigils or wards on either of those items.  Looking a little closer at the chest, Melville can detect a magical aura both inside the chest and around the lock and lid of the chest itself.
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