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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
"It is worth asking.  A limitless aior supply when in wildspace is a great boon to a ship. Even with a caster that can create fog cloud, it would save that effort. The only problem would be needing to dedicate the space to the vine."

Melville passes the findings and question through the merger to Slick, and waits for Threadvine's response.
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The response from the captain is that it is something worth considering, although it would take substantial redesign work on the Riposte to make a similar control room to allow for the vine to be large enough to be effective but restrained from expanding further.  For the time being Threadvine suggests that you continue to check the rest of the ship and just leave the vine were it is.  When they send some crew over to unmount the helm they will take a closer look at the setup  and see what can be replicated or kept in mind for later modifications.
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Rupert will then move to the door on the other side and wait for the groups signal before opening it.
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Melville hold up a flipper to stop Rupert.

"Search the door for traps firsdt.Do not be taking silly risks."

Melville will proceed to investigate the door, expecting Rupert to do the same with his greater powers of perception.

[Perception +1]
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Perception Check = [1d20+5]=16+5=21
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Old eagle-eyed Rupert scans over the door.  The drilled art seems to have been done to ensure good air exchange with the room beyond.  There are no signs of traps or other hazards that Rupert can see, and based off the smell he picks up through the door, the Giff, very familiar with small crew quarters on ships, is highly confident that the room past this door smells like crew quarters for sure.
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Bazz readies to defend himself if there's anything hiding behind the door.
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Rupert uses his off to RIP open the door ready to thrust his long sword at any threat.
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The door slams open, revealing a room matching in size to the vine room, but this one holds four large hammocks stretched across the room.  Hanging from one of the hooks for each hammock is a large bag of woven vines and leaves.  At the back of the room a fairly large iron bound chest appears bolted to the floor.  The walls are decorated with numerous obviously well done scratch drawings in the wood depicting numerous scenes of a group of lizardfolk hunting such a wide variety of prey as kendori, scavvers, and giant space swine.

[Image: wasp_interior3.png]
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Rupert will let Melville and Bazz check the bags and the chest first. Then he will look for obvious chests. [+5 Perception]
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