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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: Sorry I don't know where the party is on the map, so I am a little lost]
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 will try and assist with figuring out the control panel.
Knowledge (Engineering) +2
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[[I've updated my signature.  I had to change a couple of things since it appears RPGaddicts won't let you add more than 2 pictures to your Sig.  So I added the main map for the village of Torch.  Then under it, I provided a link to a post where I've added all current maps for areas under Torch.  I will include the Habitat dome but you have hardly explored any of it. Habitat Dome now included.]]

[[There is nothing stopping you from looking at the controls.  ]]

[[The current map is at the bottom of the link.  You're only in the first room so there's not much to see.]]
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(03-09-2021, 11:44 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [[There is nothing stopping you from looking at the controls.  ]]

Eva examines (take20) the controls trying to find some symbols, signs, writings, buttons, levers, etc. Then she is consulting with the others (exceptionally with those who has technologist feat) which one we have to push, pull, etc. ... shoot an arrow ... throw a big rock on it Big Grin
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Reawyn also assists Eva, also taking 20.
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E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 will also take 20 and offer assistance to Eva and Reawyn. [Using his knowledge (Engineering) skill: +2]
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Cin will be watching and when she realized what they're doing she says, "Umm... are you trying to die?  Don't you remember the last time we were here?  We were electrocuted and then about 30 seconds later another blast of electricity nearly fried us again.  We shouldn't be taking our time.  In fact, we should probably exit this room, then wait for the next blast before we start again!  Hopefully, if the blasts are happening at regular intervals then it will give us the most time to figure out the controls.  But if the shocks are at random then it won't matter."

[>> Memories <<] (I linked the second shock that just missed us.  You may want to read a few posts before the second shock to refresh your memories.)
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(03-09-2021, 11:44 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [[There is nothing stopping you from looking at the controls.  ]]

[[ Except the electricity Big Grin ]]

Okay Cin, let's open the door and go forward. Perhaps we can find the fuse box there.

Are these doors opened by a button on the wall or by a card or in other way?
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IThe door on this side is open correct? Just the door on the far side is closed? Is it sparking now or has it stopped.

Reawyn votes to wait and watch for a few minutes, to see if the sparks stop or start, and how long the interval is between them, and if there is a regular pattern.
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[OoC: I don't think you've checked the door on the other side of the room but certainly one of you can check it while the other two are figuring out the malfunctioning controls.  The door on the other side of the room is locked and has a red colored access card panel.]

Assuming you do what Reawyn suggests, you find the electrical discharges do seem to be random.  Over the 2 minutes the discharges happen at the following intervals.  

36 seconds
18 seconds
42 seconds
18 seconds
30 seconds
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E.S.S A.C.C.U.S-10 will examine and try opening the door on the other side of the room.
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