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Missing Caravan
Now that Selina is awake Betimi turns her attention to Mardak. She moves to the edge of camp and begins scanning the treeline with her large black eyes, looking for both signs of his passage and of his return.

She strains her ears listening for any sound.

[Spot [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20 and Listen [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13]
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Mardak marches through the darkness mumbling under his breath.  'Maybe they shouldna sent me a dragon.  Why they send me THAT one.'  He continues mumbling as he makes his way back to the camp or at least he thinks it's the camp.
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As Mardak inexplicably calls out and charges toward the creature with nothing but the moonlight to light [and no low light vision] his way, the creature, who soars some 200' above your camp [and does have low light vision] spots the Hex Blade [even with -20 due to distance] and charges toward him.  [It failed to hear Mardak though]

[Initiatives: Mardak 1, Monster 16]

The creature proves quicker and dives at Mardak with blinding speed!  In seconds the creature is upon him and rips through the Hex Blade's chest with one of it's talons, spraying blood some 10' all around him.  The force of the blow throws his limp body tumbling down the hillside and between a couple of large boulders.  The beast hungerly follows the path Mardak's mutilated body took and begins trying to desperately claw at the meat wedged between the rocks.

[OoC: The large creature hasn't seen the rest of you.  Perhaps Mardak's blood is covering your scent.] 

[OoC: Mardak gained another point of Con so he either has Max hitpoints of 9 or 10.  So the attack put him at -1 or -2.  Mardak needs to make a Fortitude save.]

[OoC: I am now registered on The Unseen Servant.  My Campaign number is 357.]
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[OOC: Has to be 50 damage for a fort save but i will make a fort save anyways. And somehow it dove 200 feet in one round. I have to brush up my 3.5 again it seems. Guess it's half or 50 and I'm still fuzzy on the 200ft thing but whatever. Mardak was reckless.]

Fort Save
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[OoC: The fort save isn't due to massive damage. It's to stabilize your hit points. Normally you have a 10% chance to stabilize each round or lose 1 hit point. I allow a save instead because I think that's a little more fair.

You succeeded so you manage to stabilize yourself and are no longer losing hit points.]

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Jonath is roused by Betimi, quickly shaking off his grogginess in disbelief at her description of Mardak's actions. He rushes out of his tent and joins her at the camp's edge, looking and listening for signs of their foolhardy companion.

Also doing a spot and listen to locate/track MardakSpot:[1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5, Listen:[1d20+5] = 11+5 = 16
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[OoC ith the high spot do I see anything of the large creature attempting to claim it's dinner. Do Jonath and I hear the ravenous sounds?]
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While the rest of you are wisely hiding, you try to spot what's going on.  Those of you with low light vision have the most success.  

Low light vision:
With your low light vision, you can see what is happening light it was daylight.  There is a dragon-like beast that is about 15' long, with wings, large sharp teeth and a wicked looking barbed tail, which it was thrashing about to get at Mardak, that is half the length of its body.  You hear the beast hissing and making deep-throated growls much like a bull alligator would make while hungrily trying to snag Mardak from where his body was wedged between the rocks.  But it's large talons can't seem to reach your companion.

Regular or Darkvision:
With your vision you can only see the shadow of a large creature silhouetted against the moonlit sky.  It seems to have wings and a large tail which it thrashes about menacingly while trying to reach it's pray.  You hear the beast hissing and making deep-throated growls much like a bull alligator would make while hungrily trying to snag Mardak from where his body was wedged between the rocks.  But it's large talons can't seem to reach your companion.
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"We need to draw it away from him.  I doubt we could take such a creature down without more losses."

She pauses for a moment as if listening to someone. "No.. I can't.."

"i.. oh gods..." 

With tears in her eyes she looks over to where Beast is tethered under the nearby trees.  She goes over to Beast and unties his lead rope.

She looks over at Selina and Jonath, her teary eyes seeming to plead that they have a better option. Then realizing they can waste no more time or the foul creature might succeed in grabbing Mardak, she smacks Beast across the ghind-quarters with the haft of her spear as hard as she can.

When Beast reacts with a coarse bray and bolts she quickly ducks for cover in the nearest bushes. [Hide +4 from Leraje [1d20+7] = 3+7 = 10]
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The guard scurries quietly over to Betimi and whispers, "Are you sure about this?  The fool charged into the night, by himself, after something that looked like a dragon.  Right now it can't seem to reach him or we would be hearing munching sounds.  Also he might already dead."  For the most part, the guard actually thought it was a clever idea.  And under different circumstances he would support her sacrifice.  But if someone is determined to get themselves killed, why sacrifice a good mule to save him when it's likely he was just going to get himself killed in a few days with another foolish decision.
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