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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Betimi whispers to Ning and Crozar. "Perhaps ask it if it wishes to join us and maybe escape from this plscr befor it gets chnged again. It may never be restored to it's original form, but it can't enjoy being changed over and over and over."
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"I asked if it wanted to come with us, and it's response was to give us these stones.  Given it's size, I wonder if it's growth has not limited it's opportunities to leave. Or perhaps it's connections to these stones will allow it to leave, at least in spirit, with us. Regardless, I don't think any further cajoling will convince it.  We should all thank our great woody ally and then proceed to the source of that smoke." Crozar says with a small smile, looking down at the seed like stones.
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Selina nods agreement.  "Aye.  We must hurry.  Please."  It was stated as a request, because that was always how she treated others.  But there was a certain force to it born from equal parts encouragement and genuine desire to be anywhere else but this Cacotopic Stain.
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(03-04-2021, 12:15 AM)Ningalu Baal'urki Wrote: Ning does have comprehend languages on yes. I asked the question iF Nang as opposed to Ning could tell anything as he has the archivist knowledge skills.

[[To use Comprehend languages you must touch the creature or writing.  Just looking at the writing is not enough.]]

[[ Nang's dark knowledge only helps him with ways to kill it but DK doesn't cover Plant Creatures (but there might be a feat he can take that lets him use the ability on plants.  I will have to look).  As for his other Knowledge Skills, this creature is so mutated there there isn't an encyclopedia on the planet that could tell him what it is.  He doesn't even have knowledge nature to identify what kind of tree it is.   Nang will eventually pick up all the knowledge skills but they take time to learn.]]
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Kubo will step foreward towards the creature and give it a formal bow at the waist, and proceed to draw the trail sign for friend on the ground between himself and the creature. He then waves at the creature and turns and heads towards the smoke in the distance.
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Crozar also bows deeply to the great wood creature again before following Kubo.
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Selina inclines her head to the sentient-being-that-may-or-may-not-have-once-been-Human and smiles gratefully to it for a welcome friendly interaction, then takes her symbol in hand and whispers a silent prayer to keep it safe from harm.
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Betimi raises her hand in a silent wave of farewell, before following Kubo , eyes alert for danger.
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Ningalu will fly up close to the creature, and reach out to place his hand on it's chest, where if it were still humanoid, the heart might be. In Ragomoll he says "You take care of yourself my friend."
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While you are speaking to the creature, tiny mammals are accumulating around Ning/Nang and then they seem magnetically drawn to the wooden giant.  Soon the creature is covered by a few dozen citters of various types, playing in his leaves and branches and nibbling on the few fruit growing on his body.  The Creature doesn't seem to mind at all.  In fact his lazy smile grows with each passing second of them exploring his wooden body.  Crozar notices a white bunny nibbling on one of the prickly fruit on his own heel too.  A glimmer of bluish energy ripples over the rabbit's body.  It then suddenly stops eating, sniffs the ground then follows a ferret into the leaves on the creature's thigh.

You say your goodbyes.  While you wander away you look back a few times to see the creature still munching on the greenery while tiny animals play.  Every moment you travel you find something new and wondrous to observe in this cave.  The brilliant colors of your surroundings seem to almost blend together like watercolor.  And all the creatures you spot are both bizarre and beautiful.  Fish with peacock feathered tails.  Spindly legged, pink fauns, bounding through the tall grasses of every shade of green,  adorned with beautiful garlands of flowers growing from the tips of their antlers.  Elephants the size of mules with huge, leaf and flowered branches growing from the top of their skulls.  

Soon, after about 30 minutes you can see the thin, wispy column of smoke is coming from an old chimney attached to a run down shack.  The smoke drifts upward until it escapes through an opening in the ceiling that reveals a blue sky. Despite its years of obvious neglect the home is covered in multicolored flowers, twisted vines of ivy and is sitting in the center of an enormous patch of various squashes.  it actually seems rather neat and cozy considering it's in a cave.  

You're about 50' away when you spot some movement.  There seems to be someone trying to shoo away a flock of strange birds from one of their young squash beds.  They're waving what looks like a long crooked staff at the little beasts.
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