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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Rupert takes several long puffs from his pipe while assisting in putting out any open flames with in his site, and then proceeds to tamp out his pipe and secures it in his belt pouch.
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Also if Rupert is on duty and not in his sleep cycle, He will try to find a good vantage point to keep watch, otherwise he will return to his hammock and his rest until it is time to return to his daily routines.
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Melville, since he is on the helm, will cast his senses throught the ship for any sources of open flame that might remain, and communicate those to Slick via their link. Then he will calmly await orders.
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Bazz just moves to the bow of the ship and takes a seat so he can see and experience everything that's happening while they pass through the portal.
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[[OOC: It has been established previously that Chick's shift is generally considered ship 'morning', so Melville's shift would probably be considered the afternoon.  I would think that Rupert would likely be 'on' shift at this time. Would Rupert be on the forecastle with Bazz, Chick, Cash, Threadvine, Ashheart, Annabelle, and Slick; in the helm room with Melville; on the stern with Bill and Royce; or below decks with Anders?]]

Once everyone calls 'all clear', Chick reads the spell off the scroll.  Faint arcane symbols form a ring in the air in front of hear and as she finishes the spell the ring flies forward away from her.  As it zooms the length of the ram, the circle expands, reaching one hundred feet in diameter by the time it contacts the shell.  The flat black of the crystal suddenly disappeared within the circle of magic and the rainbow glare of the phlogiston shines down on the hull of the ship like a multi-colored sun.  Threadvine points to the portal and Ashheart blows the signal that Melville knows to mean 'slow ahead'.
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Melville immediately begins to move the ship forward at tactical speed, making small adjustments to line the ship up just so, to maximize the clearance for the fins and rigging.
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(02-10-2021, 04:28 AM)Melville Wrote: Melville immediately begins to move the ship forward at tactical speed, making small adjustments to line the ship up just so, to maximize the clearance for the fins and rigging.

Hamilton scampers across your shoulders as you push the ship forward through the portal.  An involuntary gasp comes from some of the crew as the ship drifts forward into the rainbow flow.  Numerous eddies and whirls of color swirl across the deck, obscuring vision like a light fog but with no physical sensation of being in a fog.  There is no immediate eruption of flames, so everyone aboard releases some held internal tension that all of the fires were properly extinguished. A few seconds after the tailfin of the ship slipped through the portal, Chick releases her concentration and the crew loses it's final sight of Bralspace as the portal vanishes, replaced with the flat black wall of the crystal shell.  After a moment of reorientation to this new environment, Ashheart blows a whistle and calls for everyone to get back to work.

As the crowd on the forecastle begins to breakup and return to stations, Threadvine slides down the stairs and rushes across the deck into the helmroom.  He walks over to the Navigator's station and grabs the paper on which Melville, Ashheart and himself had worked out the search pattern they were going to take.  He brings it over so Melville can see it easily in the even brighter than normally lit room.  "Let's go ahead and start doing the sweep Melville.  Have you felt the pull of any currents yet?  I would be shocked to be so lucky." [[OOC: Melville can tell that the ship is currently not in any significant rivers in the flow from the feel of the helm.]]
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"None yet, turning her starboard as per the first search pattern"

Quote:Spelljammer Navigation
• While helming or navigating a spelljamming ship, you know how to make the most of
celestial bodies and gravity wells in wildspace. You arrive at your destination 10% faster
• when dedicating your time to one of these two activities inside a Sphere.
You have studied the Phlogiston and know all of the known paths between spheres.
When helming or navigating in the Phlogiston, you can decide which sphere to travel to
rather than being at the whim of the currents. Additionally, you may try to forge a new
path. To do so, make a Wisdom (Survival) check versus a DC determined by the DM
(based on the distance and difficulty of getting to the new sphere from the chosen
position). On a success, you create a new known path between two spheres. On a failure, there is no telling where your ship will end up.
• You have advantage on ability checks to maintain your heading.
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(02-10-2021, 03:23 PM)Melville Wrote: "None yet, turning her starboard as per the first search pattern"

Quote:Spelljammer Navigation
• While helming or navigating a spelljamming ship, you know how to make the most of
celestial bodies and gravity wells in wildspace. You arrive at your destination 10% faster
• when dedicating your time to one of these two activities inside a Sphere.
You have studied the Phlogiston and know all of the known paths between spheres.
When helming or navigating in the Phlogiston, you can decide which sphere to travel to
rather than being at the whim of the currents. Additionally, you may try to forge a new
path. To do so, make a Wisdom (Survival) check versus a DC determined by the DM
(based on the distance and difficulty of getting to the new sphere from the chosen
position). On a success, you create a new known path between two spheres. On a failure, there is no telling where your ship will end up.
• You have advantage on ability checks to maintain your heading.

Go ahead and give me a Wisdom (Survival) check with advantage to see how long it takes you to find the river you are looking for.
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Survival - advantage 1 [1d20+1]=13+1=14; Survival - advantage 2 [1d20+1]=14+1=15
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