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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Perception: [1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9, With Disadvantage: [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7  Dodgy
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Rupert, in a effort to keep busy and be productive, stoods on the underside rear fin of the ship, a tether line securing him to the deckrail topside.  He had just finished scrubbing a few dark spots on the underside of the fin that he had spotted the evening before and wanted to make sure they were something like Krajen barnacles or even worse.  Cash stands on the stern deck, ready to pull Rupert in if needed, and Chick was watching the Giff from the helm as well, just in case.  

Melville stood at the navigator's station, playing around with different search patterns to suggest to find the Flow river they were going to be looking for once they got out of the shell.  Threadvine is standing with him, listening to the Dohwar's suggestions and reviewing the map notations that had been.  Bazz just finished his jamming shift, and Chick has taken the helm.  Her eyes were washed out as she maintained a watch on Rupert, but she says to Bazz, "Slick didn't have them ready before my shift, but when she has a few flapjacks made, could you bring me a plate with heavy syrup, please?"

Slick and Ashheart are working on first shift meal, and Bill, Royce, and Annabelle were on the main deck, working on tightening up the deck netting.  Anders is asleep down in quarters.

As Rupert stands and stretches, enjoying his inversion to most of the crew and the different perspective that it afforded.  He looks up and sees a momentary flash of light, like from a mirror reflecting sunlight, but almost as quickly as he registered it it was already gone.  Looking for the source, he pivots around, trying to look every direction at once.  Just as he was about to mark it off as a weird one time event he catches sight of something strange just as it drifts through the gravity plane towards the top of the ship.  It appears to be a odd, roughly triangular prism of near perfectly transparent glass.  The only reason he could spot it at all was a momentary halo of reflected light from the glowsticks that illuminated the top side of the deck, and then it is gone again.  Even that may have just been a weird trick of light.

What does Rupert do?  He cannot hear anything from the rest of the crew that indicates someone else has seen it. {Literally everyone else on board, even Bill, Royce and Annabelle on watch failed the check}
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"WARE TOPSIDE, I JUST SPOTTED A GLASS TRIANGULAR PRISM FLYING TOWARDS THE TOPSIDE. I ONLY SAW BECUASE IT FELECTED THE SHIP'S LIGHTS!", as he shouts a warning while rushing back towards the topside deck to assist with whatever the object turns out to be.
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Cash hears Rupert's warning and relays it to the rest of the deck crew as the Giff does a smooth jump transition through the gravity plane and back to the top of the ship.  Both of them start moving towards the stern castle and the rope ladder hung there.  Bill and Royce both turn and start scanning for it, but Annabelle and Chick simultaneously say "What the fuck is that?!"

Everyone please give me initiative.  Rupert has yet again saved the ship from suffering through a surprise round.
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Init [1d20-1] = 3-1 = 2 Totally lost in thgought, lol
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(01-20-2021, 04:58 AM)Melville Wrote: Init [1d20-1] = 3-1 = 2   Totally lost in thgought, lol

Threadvine says, "So I kind of get your idea of throwing out weighted lines to get a wider detection range for finding a consistent current, but I don't see how you keep the lines untangled from random eddies."  Melville slaps a flipper against the crude drawing he had quickly sketched. "Okay, let me back up and explain the guide poles..."
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Initiative: [1d20+4] = 4+4 = 8; Wow... these history books are riveting!!
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(01-20-2021, 10:16 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Initiative: [1d20+4] = 4+4 = 8; Wow... these history books are riveting!!

{OOC: Lol.  Bazz to Chick, "Wait, you just want syrup?  Like no fruit or some meat on the side or something?  You can't be serious. Let me tell you why this is wrong..."}

As Bazz has just switched with Chick, would he still be in the helmroom talking to her or Threadvine and Melville, or headed out to somewhere else?  Just working out where to place you to start.
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(01-20-2021, 01:38 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-20-2021, 10:16 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Initiative: [1d20+4] = 4+4 = 8; Wow... these history books are riveting!!

{OOC: Lol.  Bazz to Chick, "Wait, you just want syrup?  Like no fruit or some meat on the side or something?  You can't be serious. Let me tell you why this is wrong..."}

As Bazz has just switched with Chick, would he still be in the helmroom talking to her or Threadvine and Melville, or headed out to somewhere else?  Just working out where to place you to start.

[[Haven't we already spent 4 hours talking to talking to each other?  Bazz could probably talk an ear off a donkey but I'd imagine he'd rather just go get the food down by the captain's quarters.  At least when he brought it back to Chick he'd have something new to talk about. ]]
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Iniative=[1d20+2] = 9+2 = 11, "WHERE IS IT AT?" as he spins around looking for the mysterious object.
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