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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Athos sighs as the last of the creatures are slain. Well, at least the ones remaining on this floor.  After a few seconds Athos walks over to Nightingale. He then kneels down and pulls out his oils and a few herbs to clean and bandage her wound.

He motions for her to sit or at least kneel down, "Lets take a look at that bite."

Required Perception: 1d20+6 = 12
Perception to Search for Treasure: 1d20+6 = 20
Nature: 1d20+5 = 17
Medicine First Aid Check: 1d20+6 = 25
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Arius pokes at the rats with his rapier, turning them over to see their features, see if any swallowed anything.

Perception - examine rats [1d20+1] = 15+1 = 16
Perception - treasure [1d20+1] = 16+1 = 17
To Athois he says. "Good idea to check her wound, these things are almost certainly diseased."
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Nature Check: [1d20+2] = 8+2 = 10

Rats: Perception: [1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11

Where the Rats came from: Perception [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6

The Room: Perception [1d20+3] = 5+3 = 8; Wow... those are some sucky rolls!
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Nightingale kneels down so that Athos can get a closer look at her wound. While he cleaned it, her eyes darted around the room.

"Did those who got swarmed at the start survive?" she asks the others, nodding her head towards the stairs.

Perception: 1d20+4 24
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Perception 1d20+3=7

Kriv looks around, but the dragonborn seems lost in thought. He blinks a few times as if shaking cobwebs from his head.
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Athos tends Nightingales wounds expertly managing to ensure the woman is completely capable of continuing if she wishes. While he hears this however, he clearly doesn't hear any other sounds from the lower level that would indicate the others were still active.  The rats that took them down to the lower level don't seem to be coming up here for the rest of them however.  That's not necessarily a good sign. 

After a moment of looking around Athos realizes these are very clearly dire rats who have been bred and trained to guard the entrance in much the say way normal people might employ guard dogs.  

A little more looking around, even some deft slicing into the corpses and he finds a few things.  

(DM - You expend one charge of your medicine kit.)
(DM - Roll 1d100 twice - Treasure Check.)


Arius notes that the rats are gigantic with little spikes protruding here and there along their spines and joints. He's never seen anything like this before, though he does recall a few tales from the those exploring the sewers of Waterdeep. 

After looking over the room and the rats eh does find a few things as well. 

(DM - Roll 1d100 twice - Treasure Check.)


Those are very clearly rodents of unusual size.  While she has never actually seen them before now, she has heard tales of them.  She had heard the proper term for them was, Dire Rats. And They were very clearly a bit nastier than the stories said they were.  She does notice that some of them look to have eaten random things that could be useful. If she wants to cut the things open or maybe have one of the men do it. 

(DM - Roll 1d100 once - Treasure Check.  If you decide to cut open a few rats to check.)


Athos bandages up Nightingale quite well, stopping all the bleeding and easing most if not all of the pain.  The bites are still a little tender, but not debilitating. 

Nightingale only hears slight shuffling from the floor below. It's the sound of something or several somethings being dragged.  Other than that, there are no other sounds of struggle or conflict from below. 

(DM - You Regain 5 hit points.)


Kriv is still mostly stunned from the brutality of the rats attack.  Did the monsters really just kill three of their number? His brain seems to be in a fog of one part terror and one part confusion.
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Treasure check 1 [1d100] = 62; Treasure check 2 [1d100] = 80
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Treasure Check: 1d100 = 29
Treasure Check: 1d100 = 16
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"Thank you." Nightingale offers her thanks to Athos for his aid in tending to her wounds.

She stretches a few times, seeing how the bandages move with her, making sure they don't restrict her movement too much.

As the others search the rats, the masked woman moves over to the stairs and peers down. She lights a torch and throws it down to help her see what lays at the bottom.

Perception: 1d20+4 19
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Treasure check: [1d100]=48

"We might want to take a look inside the rats.  They might have swallowed something valuable.  They aren't picky about what they shove down their gullet."
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