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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
(01-17-2021, 02:02 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 09:18 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: Well, maybe not left behind.  More like, 'where are you going and why can't I go with you.' ]

[[Can Selina carry Dog up through the hole?  If the answer is "Yes" then she will do so.  Otherwise, someone will need to fly him up (*cough*Ning*cough*).]]

[OoC: Are we talking about the same thing?  I was talking about everyone climbing into the hole and Dog being the last one to be flown up.  So he was whimpering because he wanted to be with you.   If you meant, climbing out of the hole and into the cavern then, of course you can carry him out.  Dog is just licking your face.]
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[[Uhhh...I think we are? I only asked if Selina was able to carry Dog up through the hole and if she could, she would. That’s it really.]]
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While awaiting Kubo's return, Betimi crouches down with the crossbow ready, scanning the trees for threat.
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Once the situation with Dog is sorted out, Crozar will take up a position with it's Rivebow to cover the opposite side of the area to what Betimi is covering {OOC: I'm assuming we need to cover 360°}
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3rd attempt
Move Silently Check = [1d20+12] = 2+12 = 14
Spot Check = [1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5 [OoC: Uh such crap rolls  Sad |

4th Attempt
Move Silently Check = [1d20+12] = 15+12 = 27
Spot Check = [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21
[OoC: Finally 2 rolls together both above 10, Took long enough  Angry ]
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You actually should nott be making re-rolls on Move silent and spot.. Unless told you do not know you messed up move silenty and you never know if you messed up spot.. that's metagaming
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[OoC: Vitkyng is correct.  I added the brief bunny encounter to inject a little humor into his failure and to give Kubo a second chance but Kubo had already took a second chance, so I guess the bunny was a 3rd chance.  They you gave yourself a 4th chance.   

So unfortunately, I'm going to have to stick with your 3rd rolls. 

Quote:Move Silently Check = [1d20+12] = 2+12 = 14
Spot Check = [1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5

Kubo sneaks through the tall grass toward the thin plume of smoke you assume is coming from a home.  The ground under your feet is spongy wet and the long grasses seem to almost act like thin tentacles, purposely blocking your view of the landscape.  You manage to travel about 60' when you being inhaling some very bad-smelling air.  
[Kubo, make 2 Fortitude Saves.]
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[OoC: Sorry it has taken so long to respond, but dialysis realy wiped me out this morning]
Fortutude Save = [1d20+8] = 8+8 = 16, and Fortutude Save = [1d20+8] = 20+8 = 28
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[[Pwned. At least the second one.]]
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Kubo covers his nose and mouth.  Suddenly, everyone spots moldy skeletal humanoids wearing tattered clothing, rising up from under the spongy ground, all around the dwarf.  As they begin shambling toward Kubo, their eyes flicker with a haunting blue light, and a strange visible cloud of bad-smelling air hover around them.

[[You see 6 creature surrounding Kubo.  Of them, 4 are size small and 2 are size medium. ]]

Roll Initiatives please! 

Dog  Initiative: [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20; 20.2
Tomeal  Initiative: [1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21; 21.2
Simon Initiative: [1d20+5] = 16+5 = 21; 21.5
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