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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Bracing himself, with his spellbook tucked under his left wing, Melville will yank open the door 

[OoC is the skeleton still stuck to it, and come with the door LOL or has Bazz yanked his sword free?]

Seeing the skeleton Right. THere.  and Bazz and Royce too close for an Ice Knife, Melville immediately casts Magic Missile, with all 3 targetting that skeleton.

Magic Missile - damage [3d4+3] = 6+3 = 9 9 force damage

Is he able to exit the room after, presuming the skeleton falls?  If so he will, but stop to close the door behind him next round before continuing.
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(01-14-2021, 08:06 PM)Melville Wrote: Bracing himself, with his spellbook tucked under his left wing, Melville will yank open the door 

[OoC is the skeleton still stuck to it, and come with the door LOL or has Bazz yanked his sword free?]

Seeing the skeleton Right. THere.  and Bazz and Royce too close for an Ice Knife, Melville immediately casts Magic Missile, with all 3 targetting that skeleton.

Magic Missile - damage [3d4+3] = 6+3 = 9 9 force damage

Is he able to exit the room after, presuming the skeleton falls?  If so he will, but stop to close the door behind him next round before continuing.

As Melville pulls open the door, the tip of Bazz's sword comes free.  Bazz instinctively pull it back as the skeleton lurches forward only to be covered in bone dust and shards as Melville's magic missile explodes the abomination into a cloud of remnants.  Melville steps forward and closes the door behind him.

Chick may or may not be conscious yet from the noise of the fight filtering down to the crew cabin.
We are back to the top of the order and the start of Round 2.  I will make a new round post with updated map in the next hour or so, once I get off work.  Bazz, if you know what you want to do next, feel free.  The only other opponent on the main desk is the one skeleton flanked by Bill and the captain.  You can hear Rupert fighting something on the stern and Cash and Annabelle swearing and fighting up on the forecastle.
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[OoC: I don't see any rules about shooting into melee so...]

[Bazz still concentrating on Wrathful Smite]

With a smile, Bazz will tip his horns at Melville then dash 35' up the stairs and stop where Rupert is standing on the current map.  

[During his move action he will sheath his longsword (this is a free object interaction)]  

Bazz then holds out his hand at the Skeletal Minotaur and unleashes a blast of Eldritch energy at the creature!

Eldritch Blast: [1d20+6] = 16+6 = 22, Damage: [1d10] = 8; YAY!  Finally hit!
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Round 2
Bazz - 19
Slick - 18
Minotaur Skeletons - 16
Skeletons - 15
Threadvine - 13
Annabelle -12
Cash - 9
Bill - 7
Anders - 7
Royce - 6
Rupert - 5
Ashheart - 4
Melville - 3
Chick - 1

Bazz reaches the top of the stairs and unleashes a black bolt of magical force.  A chunk of the minotaur skeleton's pelvis explodes in a burst of shards as the bolt strikes home. 

Slick continues to stain the deck with her blood. {5 on the death save. 1 failure}

The blast of Bazz's cantrip staggers the skeleton back, but it plants it's hooves and squares up.  With a shake of it's great bony head, it brings the greataxe down on Rupert's back.  The giff collapses to the deck next to Slick's unconscious body, their blood mingling on the wood. {21 to hit, and a crushing 21 points of damage. So sorry man.} The other minotaur skeleton yanks it's axe free of the rail and catches Annabelle on the backswing.  She cries out in pain.  {18 to hit for 12 damage}.

The damaged skeleton next to Cash is able to slip it's blade under one of the joints in his carapace, drawing a thin rivulet of blood. {22 to hit for 5 damage}.  The flanked one lunges at Bill, but he catches the blade on his armor and shrugs it off with a grunt. {14 to hit}

Threadvine smoothly cleaves the skull of the skeleton in front of him, and it collapses in a pile at his feet. {20 to hit dealing 9 damage} He tells Bill, "Head to stern and try to hold that one. Ashheart is behind you." He rushes across the deck and up the stairs to the forecastle. At the top of the stairs he yells, "Cash, you let them break that catapult, and it's coming out of your pay!"  {Battlemaster Maneuver: Commander's Strike} Cash bellows with rage, whirls on his multiple legs and brings the greatsword down right between the minotaur's horns. {22 to hit, 13+3 (superiority die) damage}. 

Annabelle makes a tactical decision and lashes out with her rapier at the heavily damaged skeleton and severs it's spine, causing it to collapse in a pile. {15 to hit for 5 damage}.  She then uses her elvish dexterity to slip under the rail and disengage from the minotaur, leaving Cash to stand toe to toe with it. {Cunning Action}

Cash continues to attack the minotaur.  His first slash goes wide, but he draws on internal reserves and lunges forward, bringing the large blade down heavily on the minotaur's clavicle. {Nat 1 on the first attack, then action surge.  Nat 20 on the extra attack from the surge for a total of 19 damage.}  The monstrosity is heavily damaged, but still swinging it's incredibly dangerous great axe around.

Following the captain's orders, Bill rushes up the stern stairs, plants the butt end of his pike and vaults over the cannon.  In a smooth pivoting swing possible only by a true great weapon master, Bill screams as he brings the pike up and around, slamming down onto the thing's skull. {17 to hit (22-5 for the big swing), for 21 points of damage (10 for GWM, and 11 normal)}  He draws in a deep breath, riding the adrenaline surge and pivots to swing again.  Unfortunately, his turn does nothing but bury the blade of his pike into the stern mast. {Action surge, then 3 to hit}

Anders, frustrated on the helm able to see everything that is happening but unable to do anything without stopping the ship, grinds her teeth in frustration.  Suddenly a flash of inspiration hits her and she whispers a prayer to the darkness of the void. "Twilight powers, toll the bells the tell these evils to return to their rest."  Using her active helm vision she focuses on the minotaur skeleton stomping around right above her.  A great echoing tone of resonant bells peels out from the darkness between the stars of the sphere and rolls across the deck.  Dust falls from the skeleton's bones but it seems otherwise unaffected. {Toll the dead, but it made it's save so no effect.}

Royce mutters, "Thanks" to Melville for taking out the one skeleton and rushes the stern stairs, swapping his sword for his crossbow as he climbs.  From behind Bazz he takes aim at the minotaur, but the arrow flies cleanly between the animate bones and vanishes beyond the air envelope.

Rupert, give me a death save please.  

Ashheart will climb the stairs behind Royce.

Melville, it will be your turn next.

[Image: Shipbattle3.jpg]
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Bazz posted just above your post.. he went to the sterncastle if i undewrstoo correctly, to the spot Rupert used to occupy before Rupert's turn.
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(01-15-2021, 12:04 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Bazz posted just above your post.. he went to the sterncastle if i undewrstoo correctly, to the spot Rupert used to occupy before Rupert's turn.

I missed that.  Let me go correct.
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Death Save=[1d20] = 11 1 Success
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Rupert groans in his unconscious state, and his bloodflow seems to slow slightly.

Ashheart rushes up behind Royce but there isn't enough clear space for it to dash in.

Melville, it is your turn.
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Not able to directly see the stern castle, but knowing there are tons of crew there, Melville follows Threadvine as far as he can, 25'.    With a single utterance he casts [i]Mind Sliver[/i ] at the minotaur skeleton on the forecastle.

Intelligence save vs DC or take 1d6 mental damage and suffer 1d4 penalty of it's next save.
Mind sliver Damage [1d6] = 3;  Next save penalty [1d4] = 4

"It might be easier to trip up now, Captain."
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