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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
Reawytn forestalls ESSACUS by putting a hand out in front of him.

"Caution, let me do my job and check for traps. We have hit several booby traps already."

He proceeds to advance slowly tapping ahead with his longspear straight ahead, and then to the left and right before advancing.

[OoC Perception(Trapfinding) +6, let me know if you want me to roll or if you will GM roll it ]
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[OoC: Sorry about the delay.  Work has been kicking my ass.  ]

There's a door to the south that's stuck that I don't think that you have forced opened yet.  There's also double doors to the North-East that you have previously opened.
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Reawyn will check the south door first.
[OoC Perception(Trapfinding) +6, let me know if you want me to roll or if you will GM roll it ]
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There are no traps.  It just seems very stuck.  The door has a hardness of 15.
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Reawyn curses his lack of foresight in not bring bringing acid.  "I can use bombs but I only have 4 left today, and it will take multiple bombs to even make a dent on this door."

He pulls a crowbar out of his pack, "would you or ESSACUS care to try Gurkagh?"
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"Thanks, here I will try!",E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 takes the offered crowbar and while try and open the door.
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Reawyn, last time you said it's better if it is stuck. Are you sure you want to open it now? We still have not found the magic man.

[DM - Is there any way to turn the power on? Craft mechanical to fix it, take10+10???

"You remove the debris that blocks the southern door.  After examining the door, you decide that the door is likely stuck because the power to the room has been cut off.  If you want to see what's beyond the door you will either need to force the door open or turn the power back on." ]
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[OoC: If the power is to be turned on, you need to find where the controls for the power is located.  Kind of like a fuse box but much more hight tech.]

Essaccus will need to make a Strength check.  The crowbar gives you +2.
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Strength Check = [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9+2(crowbar)=11
E.S.S A.C.C.U.S-10 strains yo out his back snd shoulders un getting the crowbar yo Leverkusen the doors lose.
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(01-12-2021, 07:14 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: If the power is to be turned on, you need to find where the controls for the power is located.  Kind of like a fuse box but much more hight tech.]

Essaccus will need to make a Strength check.  The crowbar gives you +2.

Eva is looking for something can be the 'fuse box' in this room or in previous rooms.

Eva's perception [1d20+7] = 20+7 = 27
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