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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
"Ok, Rozzie," Johnny says.  "I'm ready when you are.  Didn't you do this once or twice before?  I remember once when Nanny and Orphan Maker knocked some of the students out, you linked some minds in order to fight him on a mindscape or something.  An didn't you also do it once at the bank?  That's when we met Katrina.  Or wait, was that when we were at the Mall of America?  So you could have done it three times.  Do you remember?" 
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"This is going to be awesome," she looks at Ashley. "We can talk about the cute boys without them even knowing about it, or power shop at the mall by comparing prices faster."
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Aurum glances at Jack. "Actually, this is my normal self. I'm only gold because Ash makes me that way." Then she looks at Porsche with a muted expression of horror. "Uh, no. Ok. Mind-Link 101." She tries to grab the group's attention. "For those who have not done this before: One. This is not a party-line. It's my brain. And also all of yours. If you broadcast, it will be to all of us, and it will be impossible to tune out. So please keep radio chatter to a minimum. This is for emergencies, making sure we always know where we all are, things like that.  I'm pretty sure it is possible to overload me, and I don't want to think about what that might do to all of us, if we are connected when it happens. Two. Some things can and will slip through, which is why I encourage crash courses in mental control for everyone, so we can all avoid embarrassment. Not that I expect it to be a problem, but if anyone starts making perverse comments, knowing that the rest of us can't avoid it, not only will you not be invited back, but you may end up having an uncomfortable conversation with the Professor... or possibly Logan. What else? Oh, three. When we pick up the other students, I can't add them in, so you'll actually have to talk to them using your mouths." She shrugs. "Sorry about putting the kabosh on the shopping talk, but I think it's a small price, considering the one and only time I did this before, we stopped a bank robbery." She smiles at Johnny, getting the answer to his question in there. She silently thanks whatever higher power exists that she hadn't been aware of this ability yet at the Mall of America. That small favor had saved everyone else from a terrible thing.

"Ok, let's get this on the road." Concentrating on the folks that agreed, she mentally forms a nets around and between them, linking thoughts together.

Telepathy - Incredible [1d100] = 77
((Dropping 100 Karma for the Power Stunt out of personal pool plus minimum 5+ whatever is needed for success out of the shared pool. Adding Johnny, Porsche, Jack, and Gedeon for certain. Ashlee and Brittney if they agree. If they don't, then Alison and Dr. McCoy, if they choose to. That caps me.))

As the link forms, everyone in it hears whispering for a moment, which soon fades. However, another form materializes superimposed on Aurum like a ghost, which only those in the link can see.

[Image: 21723385813_3d14a99252_o.jpg]

The form looks surprised for a moment, then grins. ~Oh hey! I'm here too!~ Suddenly, she changes to look slightly different, like below, but with a tophat.

[Image: 22156449280_c9dd9dfa34_m.jpg]
~Welcome, ladies and gents, to Aurum's Carnival of Wonders! I'll be your ringmaster this...~

~Demi. What did I just say?~

The darker form pouts. ~Fine. Ruin my fun. It's not like I get many visitors.~

Ros smiles, and says out loud, "That's Demi, whom some of you have encountered, but not been introduced to. She can hear you, if you speak normally. She just can't answer physically right now."
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Upon entering the mindlink and seeing Demi, a stray thought slips out. ~Holy crap, she's hot.~ Gedeon immediately winces and blushes. "Sorry. Didn't mean to... yeah."
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Nice to talk to you both at the same time Demi and Ros, this will be a treat... but i'll try and keep the 'idle chatter' down.

She stifles a giggle and grins at Gedeon.

Out loud she says "Que huevos! We are gonna get along just fine, machetona."
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Quote:~Holy crap, she's hot.~

~Wait, was that me??  Nope...okaaaaay weird.  Usually I would think that and everyone can hear this...shit~

Jack shrugs and grins.
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Aurum smirks. "An example of point two." She thumbs at Jack while looking at Gedeon. "As you can tell, it's difficult to get used to. Some people never will."

Demi just gives a bounce, with a slightly more mischievous smirk at Gedeon.
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"Now I know what it feels like to be you Roslyn.  I am so sorry...Dang!!"  Jack then shutters that little tidbit as his mind has not been able to shut up since coming here, but he has taken steps because he promised Roslyn that he would try to stifle any kind of random thoughts.  "So Umm...What's the plan?  Or am I not abusing the fact we can talk to each other in ~our minds...wooo <-- That was me being a ghost, scary wasn't it?~

"Man, this is going to be hard..."
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"As I've said before, Jack, points for trying to get used to hanging around telepaths. That's way more than my parents did." She squeezes Johnny's hand lightly and turns to Alison. "Link's good. Ready when you are."
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"Well actually, schooling my thoughts will be hard.  Hope this is fun and exciting!"  He almost hops up and down but schools his energy as well.  "Are we just going to the Train station first or can we as a group do other stuff like hit the shops around here?"
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.