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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Satisfied regarding the contract, Melville summons his pen to his fingertips and signs a copy of the document.
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(12-29-2020, 02:00 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: [OOC: Other than mild boredom at reviewing information that he has reviewed hundreds of times before, you do not get a feeling that he is trying to screw anyone over or lying, and that he sees the terms that he is covering as fair to everyone involved.  You get the feeling that he seems to consider himself fair-minded and that he does have a drive to be liked by people he ships with.  You can tell that on the topic of assigning or revoking shares he does not consider it a tool of punishment or control, but rather a tool to reward those willing to take greater risks for the expedition and to prevent crewmembers from being lazy or destructive. There is also an underlying hope that the expedition will turn up enough Junta rarities that everyone on the crew will be rich afterwards so a few coins more or less for individuals will wind up not really mattering.  You can give me a History check to recognize the term "Junta" in this context.

[OOC: Melville did you see this note?]
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History [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7

Melville doesn't know the term but makes a mental note to ask Bazz
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[OOC: So Rupert and Melville have explicitly signed.  From Bazz's last post it isn't clear if he did or not.  Once we have that clarified, we can move on with crew introductions, ship tour and getting things launched.]
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[OoC: Yes, he has signed.]
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Threadvine claps his hands once when you all finish signing.  "Excellent and welcome to the crew!" he says with a broad smile, "Ashheart will give you the tour.  We will be sailing at High Sun tomorrow, so if there are any last minute purchases you need to make you have some time.  You are also welcome to sleep aboard tonight if you want."  He offers to shake hands (or flippers) with each of you by way of congratulations.  He also opens a drawer in the desk and tosses three smalls coin purses on the table.  "There is an advance of 20 gold on your shares, in case you don't have enough for whatever last minute purchases you need.  If you have questions or other needs, please file them with Ashheart as our quartermaster. If you have problems with any of the crew, please bring that to me directly. Again, welcome aboard."

Ashheart flexes it's mustache and opens the door back into the galley. As he leads you through towards the deck he says, "Four whistles is meal call.  If you aren't actively on the helm or involved in something you are welcome to any call you can attend.  If you are on the helm, someone will come by and see if you want anything brought to you.  I will have duty schedules posted before we sail tomorrow.  Schedules are posted here in the galley." Stepping out on to the deck you see that the two humans that had been swabbing were now leaning against the gunwale, chatting and smoking a cigarette. Ashheart leads you over and introduces you to Billiam Bryce and Royce Morgan.  Royce smiles as you are introduced and welcomes you warmly.  Billiam nods at you as he smokes, "You can just call me Bill."
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(12-30-2020, 08:53 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Threadvine claps his hands once when you all finish signing.  "Excellent and welcome to the crew!" he says with a broad smile, "Ashheart will give you the tour.  We will be sailing at High Sun tomorrow, so if there are any last minute purchases you need to make you have some time.  You are also welcome to sleep aboard tonight if you want."  He offers to shake hands (or flippers) with each of you by way of congratulations.  He also opens a drawer in the desk and tosses three smalls coin purses on the table.  "There is an advance of 20 gold on your shares, in case you don't have enough for whatever last minute purchases you need.  If you have questions or other needs, please file them with Ashheart as our quartermaster. If you have problems with any of the crew, please bring that to me directly. Again, welcome aboard."

"I was wondering, how many spellcasters do you have aboard?  And how many are part of Spelljamming duty?"

(12-30-2020, 08:53 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Ashheart flexes it's mustache and opens the door back into the galley. As he leads you through towards the deck he says, "Four whistles is meal call.  If you aren't actively on the helm or involved in something you are welcome to any call you can attend.  If you are on the helm, someone will come by and see if you want anything brought to you.  I will have duty schedules posted before we sail tomorrow.  Schedules are posted here in the galley." Stepping out on to the deck you see that the two humans that had been swabbing were now leaning against the gunwale, chatting and smoking a cigarette. Ashheart leads you over and introduces you to Billiam Bryce and Royce Morgan.  Royce smiles as you are introduced and welcomes you warmly.  Billiam nods at you as he smokes, "You can just call me Bill."

Bazz nods to Ashheart, that he understands.

Upon seeing and being introduced to the two sailors, Bazz [as usual] greets them both cordially with a firm handshake.  "Nice to meet you both.  You look like experienced sailors.  How many of these voyages have you been on?"
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(12-30-2020, 09:21 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: "I was wondering, how many spellcasters do you have aboard?  And how many are part of Spelljamming duty?"

Ashheart says, "Counting you and Melville, that would make five casters out of a crew of 12.  Rrr'chk'chk, Anders, myself, Melville, and you.  I am presuming that you will want that spelljammer extra share, so the only caster that is not in the rotation would be me. I have too many other things to do, but have jumped on the helm in an emergency before."

(12-30-2020, 08:53 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Ashheart flexes it's mustache and opens the door back into the galley. As he leads you through towards the deck he says, "Four whistles is meal call.  If you aren't actively on the helm or involved in something you are welcome to any call you can attend.  If you are on the helm, someone will come by and see if you want anything brought to you.  I will have duty schedules posted before we sail tomorrow.  Schedules are posted here in the galley." Stepping out on to the deck you see that the two humans that had been swabbing were now leaning against the gunwale, chatting and smoking a cigarette. Ashheart leads you over and introduces you to Billiam Bryce and Royce Morgan.  Royce smiles as you are introduced and welcomes you warmly.  Billiam nods at you as he smokes, "You can just call me Bill."

Bazz nods to Ashheart, that he understands.

Upon seeing and being introduced to the two sailors, Bazz [as usual] greets them both cordially with a firm handshake.  "Nice to meet you both.  You look like experienced sailors.  How many of these voyages have you been on?"

Bill nods again and says, "First with this crew, 'cept for Royce here.  Fourth sum total."  Royce nods in agreement and says, "Bill and I was on the same last two ships. I've got three cruises a'fore this one."  Bill flicks the butt of his cigarette over the side of the ship before continuing, "We're both general decks, with some combat experience thrown in.  How 'bout yourselves?"
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(12-30-2020, 10:05 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(12-30-2020, 09:21 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: "I was wondering, how many spellcasters do you have aboard?  And how many are part of Spelljamming duty?"

Ashheart says, "Counting you and Melville, that would make five casters out of a crew of 12.  Rrr'chk'chk, Anders, myself, Melville, and you.  I am presuming that you will want that spelljammer extra share, so the only caster that is not in the rotation would be me. I have too many other things to do, but have jumped on the helm in an emergency before."

(12-30-2020, 08:53 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Ashheart flexes it's mustache and opens the door back into the galley. As he leads you through towards the deck he says, "Four whistles is meal call.  If you aren't actively on the helm or involved in something you are welcome to any call you can attend.  If you are on the helm, someone will come by and see if you want anything brought to you.  I will have duty schedules posted before we sail tomorrow.  Schedules are posted here in the galley." Stepping out on to the deck you see that the two humans that had been swabbing were now leaning against the gunwale, chatting and smoking a cigarette. Ashheart leads you over and introduces you to Billiam Bryce and Royce Morgan.  Royce smiles as you are introduced and welcomes you warmly.  Billiam nods at you as he smokes, "You can just call me Bill."

Bazz nods to Ashheart, that he understands.

Upon seeing and being introduced to the two sailors, Bazz [as usual] greets them both cordially with a firm handshake.  "Nice to meet you both.  You look like experienced sailors.  How many of these voyages have you been on?"

Bill nods again and says, "First with this crew, 'cept for Royce here.  Fourth sum total."  Royce nods in agreement and says, "Bill and I was on the same last two ships. I've got three cruises a'fore this one."  Bill flicks the butt of his cigarette over the side of the ship before continuing, "We're both general decks, with some combat experience thrown in.  How 'bout yourselves?"
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"Greetings, I am Melville of the Chrysoco Cartel, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am a navigator and pilot. This will be my second voyage as crew, though I grew up aboard ships among my Cartel."
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