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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
(12-27-2020, 05:26 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: Since it takes 1 minute (10 rounds) to just take 10, I might as well try to roll for it because it's likely I will roll a 15 before 10 rolls.  If failing a roll will harm us then I will just take 10.  But if nothing bad happens if I fail...

Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 14+10 = 24, Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 6+10 = 16, Use Computer: [1d20+19] = 12+19 = 31

Succeeded on the 3rd roll!

Quote:A failed Use Computer check indicates that the Astrogator has made a potentially dangerous error in their calculations. Make another Use Computer check using the same modifier against the same DC. If this second Use Computer check is successful, the error is caught before entering Hyperspace, and the process of plotting a course must begin anew. If this second Use Computer check fails, the Starship moves -1 Persistent step on the Condition Track and takes damage equal to 5% of it's total hit points for every point by which the check fails. (The Persistent Condition and damage remain until the ship undergoes maintenance.) If the ship is not Disabled or destroyed, it arrives at the intended destination in double the expected travel time. If the ship is Disabled, it drops out of Hyperspace in a random location somewhere between the point of origin and the destination (The exact location is determined by the GM).

So with the above checks you succeed on the third try, but the ship has taken 45% of it's hit points in damage and moved -1 step on the condition track.
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Like I said, if failing a roll will harm us, then I will just take 10.
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Thought so, just making sure you know itr is not risk free, technically I should not allow take 10 but I am, assuming you check and recheck your work.
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Since the only positions occupied are Pilot: Ubi, System Operator: Zero, and Gunner: Dez.. and Ubi is not really occupied with Piloting while you sit relatively dead in space waiting for astrogation coordinates from Zero.

Ubi, make a Use Computer check please. This can be untrained, and you cannot take 10 as you are untrained.
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(12-27-2020, 06:22 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Thought so,  just making sure you know itr is not risk free,  technically I should not allow take 10 but I am, assuming you check and recheck your work.

[OoC: It's your game so obviously it's your decision but RAW says that you can Take 10 and even Take 20 in most cases.

Quote:Special: You can Take 10 on Use Computer checks. You can Take 20 on a Use Computer check except when attempting to improve access. When a computer is Friendly or Helpful to you, you gain an equipment bonus on all Use Computer checks made with that computer equal to its Intelligence bonus.

I also forgot to add the +2 equipment bonus for his SCOMP, so technically Zero succeeded on his first roll.  Though it doesn't matter cuz now I know there is a danger to failing.
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To keep things moving, I am going to roll for Ubi.  Njon in the co-pilot position can aid another, and teh ship's computer adds +2 modifier to teh roll.

Ubi - Use Computer [1d20+3] = 9+3 = 12;  Njon use computer - aid another [1d20+2] = 9+2 = 11
This means that Ubi scored a Use Computer 16.

Ubi's eyes go wide looking at the scope. "We have incoming, looks like four snubfighter objects, moving fast. Forward and to the port side, bout 20 kilometers out." 

[Note: it will take an action to identify what they are at this range using the scopes (Pilot,Co-pilot, or system operator).Ubi and Njon did not score high eough to know anything besides size and the fact that the objects have no shields]
Quote:Search Starship
You may attempt to learn more about a target by making a Use Computer check (Modified by range, see above). A DC 10 check result identifies the size of the Vehicle and determines whether is has Starship Shields active. A DC 15 check result reveals the exact make of the Starship (If the observer would recognize it- alien ships are simply identified as being of unknown manufacture) and the number of Weapon Systems it has (But not the exact type of Weapon Systems). The first time a Vehicle moves within 30 squares of yours, you may make a Use Computer check as a Reaction to identify it. Further efforts require a Move Action.

Everyone roll initiative, modified by the ship's size (-5), and the ship's dexterity (+2) = net -3.  Ubis as the Pilot can substitute Pilot for his Initiative skill, if it is better.
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Modified initiative: [1d20+7] = 6+7 = 13
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Modified Initiative: [1d20+6] = 11+6 = 17
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modified initiative: [1d20+5] = 18+5 = 23
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Pilot Init = [1d20+9] = 1+9 = 10, oops Ubi was a little stun locked
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