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Conversations under the stars {OOC Thread}
I've added a bunch of backgrounds to the Rules and Homebrew thread.  Working on adding more feats and rules for operating a helm and other ship tasks.  I'm using this pdf as the core of the 5e rules.  I'm pretty sure all of you have been doing this longer than I have, so do you think just putting a link to the PDF on the rules thread is sufficient, or should I copy over the rules in distinct posts for ease of reference and editing?
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You could copy and paste everything but I think just providing a link to the PDF.  If you wanted to make it easier to find, you could even put the link in your signature.
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I may have to take a look to see if there are any options that fit Bazz.
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Character sheet all updated and backstory and description in teh character gallery.
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Made corrections to my character sheet to fix some typos and update with GM Anthraxus's version of the Spacefarer Background, also corrected and up dated post in A Gallery of Heroes and Vilians post
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I've posted the campaign opener IC thread.  Please feel free to establish how you are coming into the bar (or are already there).  I'm not sure if it was decided if you all knew each other at the outset or not.  I'll be looking over backstories today so if that establishes things I see it there.
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Your Known Space post, looks like code and is almost imposssible to read, unless that was your intent.
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Not at all.  I put the proper link in there now.  Will be posting summaries of spheres on that thread over the next few days.
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Everybody ok?  I'm not sure why we have stalled out.
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Traded out my skilled feat for the Spelljammer Navigation feat.. so not only do I have the skill for it, now I also get advantage on navigation rolls when on the helm or operating as navigator loses me the bonus intelligence and the Deception skill, but I can gain those later
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.