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[IC] Into Barovia
Aly frowns while watching the Cavalier walk off into the woods and when he quickly disappears she turns her attention back to Rhodric who is just reaching the top of the gate.  She then watches in horror as helplessly begins clawing at his throat, trying to breath.  

"By Corellon's bow, what's happening!"  She runs to the gate and yells, "Jump!  Get out of there!"
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(12-07-2020, 01:15 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: While Rhodric begins to climb, Sumayl moves into the woods.  

Towering trees, whose tops are lost in heavy gray mist, block out all save a death-gray light. The tree trunks almost touch.  The thick, damp undergrowth presses in on you. The woods have the silence of a forgotten grave, yet exude the feeling of an unsounded scream.  You walk 50' but you don't find any opening.

Meanwhile, Rhodric easily climbs to the top of the gates.  When he throws his leg over the top to climb over, fog fills his lungs and he suddenly begins to violently choke.  He's gasping for breath but no matter how hard he tries, his lungs refuse to draw in any oxygen making it impossible for him to utter a sound.
In a panic Rhoderic tries to scramble back down to the ground, and out of the thick grey fog.
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[You need to make a climb check at a 10% penalty. ]
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Climb Walls Check (55%) = [1d100] = 80 % -10% = 70% [oops!]
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Sumayl reaches the end of his 50' , so turns around and heads back, putting the barrier to his left side now to avoid getting lost.

Does he hear Aly yell?
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(12-07-2020, 09:30 PM)Rhodric Wrote: Climb Walls Check (55%) = [1d100] = 80 % -10% = 70% [oops!]

[OoC: It's a 10% penalty.  You turned it into a bonus.  If you -10 from your roll you're making it a better chance to succeed in getting below 55%.  Tongue ]

(12-08-2020, 04:18 AM)Sumayl al-Akhir Wrote: Sumayl reaches the end of his 50' , so turns around and heads back, putting the barrier to his left side now to avoid getting lost.

Does he hear Aly yell?

[OoC: Definitely.  Aly isn't a dainty waif who has trouble expressing herself.  I imagine she would practically bellow!  Tongue  ]

Aly yells for Rhodric to jump but instead he attempts to climb down while choking and suffocating.  So Rhodric loses his footing and tumbles from the top of the gate. Taking: Rhodric falls: [2d6] = 9

[If you had intentionally jumped it would have been only 1d6 damage.  Instead, you fall while climbing down and break your face.  Tongue ]  

Sumayl hears the elf yell, "JUMP," followed by a loud thud.  Making his way back through the dense undergrowth is very slow.  It's like the vines are almost moving to entangle your way and slow your progress.  Obviously just a trick of the mind but it's still nonetheless a little annoying.  Eventually when you arrive back on the road, you see Rhodric laying on the ground with Aly kneeling beside him.
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(12-14-2020, 07:21 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Eventually when you arrive back on the road, you see Rhodric laying on the ground with Aly kneeling beside him.

"I told you you should have jumped," Aly says while checking his wounds.

Healing Proficiency Check: Healing check DC15: [1d20] = 1, Healing: [1d3] = 3; Success!!;  Heals 3 hit points of damage]

[OOC: I was reading about proficiencies.  I'm not sure if you're aware but apparently you use your number of languages as extra proficiency slots.  Since it doesn't specify either non-weapon or weapon proficiency, it seems you can use those points for whichever you want.   You can find this rule at the bottom of the 'Number of Languages' Information in Intelligence.]

So that means:

Sumayl al-Akhir's intelligence is 12 so he gains 3 extra Proficiencies
Rhodric's intelligence is 11 so he gains 2 extra Proficiencies.]
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(12-14-2020, 07:46 PM)Alynorae Eilnathna Wrote: [OOC: I was reading about proficiencies.  I'm not sure if you're aware but apparently you use your number of languages as extra proficiency slots.  Since it doesn't specify either non-weapon or weapon proficiency, it seems you can use those points for whichever you want.   You can find this rule at the bottom of the 'Number of Languages' Information in Intelligence.]

So that means:

Sumayl al-Akhir's intelligence is 12 so he gains 3 extra Proficiencies
Rhodric's intelligence is 11 so he gains 2 extra Proficiencies.]

[OoC I did spend the 3]
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[OoC: I spent my 2 as well.]
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[OoC: Great!  Now how about replying to mine and Aly's last posts. ]
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