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Conversations under the stars {OOC Thread}
This thread is specifically for OOC conversations, questions, and communications.

Characters should be created on http://myth-weavers.com and shared out to Anthr4xus.

The Unseen Servant campaign id is 885
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Yay!  The Game Forum is finally up.  I was just about to send a poke to remind them when I decided just to double check and here it was!
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I put my sheet in my signature before my first post but it didn't seem to work.  Let's try again...

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Looks good. I also put the unseen servant campaign id in the first post of this thread and the house rules thread.
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Actually I don't see where your feat or gift is listed on there.
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Rupert's character sheet and background story are posted
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(11-26-2020, 05:33 AM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Actually I don't see where your feat or gift is listed on there.

I used my two Intelligence points to buy a skill (history).  As for the starting Heroic feat I have taken, Skilled (gives me 3 skills) which means I was tutored by a supernatural teacher.  My thoughts are, the supernatural teacher taught him lots but required him to stay be a shut in while he learned.  Which explains his low strength.  

Bonds:  Brazzalan was naive (from being a shut in). He trusted someone who (Brazzalan believes) caused the death of someone he loved.  He won't let that happen again.

Flaw: Brazzalan was unable to prove this person was responsible for his lover's death but he's sure he did it, so instead Brazzlan framed the person who caused the death of his lover for a different crime and.  Brazzalan doesn't care what crime the guy is imprisoned for as long as he suffers for his part in his lover's death!
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I also see you only have 1 personality trait selected, you get 2 Personality, 1 Ideals, 1 Bonds, and 1 Flaws to start.
you should add the feat description someplace on your sheet
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Also your skills saves = ability mod, and ability mod. + Proficiency Bonus for your class saves
So therefore your saves are
STR -2, DEX +6, Con +3,
INT +2, WIS +1, CHA +6
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you forgot to add your ability mod to your passive perception, which should be 11
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.