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OOC - Rancor Pit (OoC Chat)
(11-15-2020, 06:51 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: I’m wondering if I could make a Mandalorian character.  They aren’t a species mainly because they’re more of a culture than anything else.  Mostly Human though.

Yes, it is the cost of the armor that will beggar you
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Mandalorian battle armor is medium armor an is normally not available for sale. I would allow you to have a set for 10000 credits. That means most starting characters could not afford it, unless you took a level of noble and the wealth talent
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Oh wait found it. Beskat'gam from scum and villainy 7000credits for Mandalorian characters, 37000 otherwise. https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Medium_Beskar%27gam
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You will need to get medium armor feat
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I’d probably go with a soldier class anyway. Was thinking about a mandalorian Jedi, actually, but we’ll see.
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Mandalorian jedi will be a real hard background to figure out.. since the mandalore creed is antithetical to Force use
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Yeah, didn’t think so. Okay, so I have some thinking to do.
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The max starting wealth if you take jedi at 1st level is 7400cr, 9000cr for other classes, so spending 7000 on armor is not gonna leave you much. if you take soldier you will get the miediumn armor prof that you need so you probably should take at least one level of soldier.

as for the armor effect.. RAW you get your armour bonus INSTEAD of your character level to your Reflex defense.
EAW if tou hae the Armored Defense Talent from the armor specialist tree you get whichever is better of the two.

I have altered this, to improve it. If you are proficient you gain either your armor bonus, or your character level plus one half your armor bonus.
If you have the armored defense Talent you actually get both. This makes armor much better in my games than RAW. But it does not negatee teh PLOT ARMOR game mecahanic of Heroice level tio reflex defense.

Therefore with beskar'gama +8 an heroic level 4 theat means you would have either Reflex defense +8 with a max dex of +2, or if you took armored defense talent as a soldier you'd have +12 reflex defense.
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It is possible, you are afterall 4th level.. so being jedi before discovering the mandaklore creed, or being mandalorian and having your force powers awaken..
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If you need access to some books, beside Shunna's name in her signature there's another link to an index that has most of the books in Star Wars: Saga PDF's.  

(11-15-2020, 08:42 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: I’d probably go with a soldier class anyway.  Was thinking about a mandalorian Jedi, actually, but we’ll see.

I hope this doesn't get too complicated.  Feel free to ask questions if you're unsure.  I'm still learning some of this stuff too!

There is something important about skills and Jedi that you must keep in mind.  Unlike Pathfinder, you just can't put skill points into any skill you want.  Whatever class you start with at 1st Level are the skills you're stuck with and you never add additional points to increase them because they automatically increase every other level.  If you run out of starting skills and you want more then you can pick up the Skill Training feat which allows you to choose one skill from your list of class skills and you become trained in that skill.  Note, without starting as a Jedi you will need to take the Force Sensitivity Feat to gain access to the Use the Force Skill.

BTW, you don't need to be a Jedi to use the Force.  Though there are certain force abilities that only Jedi have access to.  

There is an important Side Bar on page 36 of the Core Rules Book that talks about the difference between Character Level and Class Level.  It's specifically important for Star Wars because you only gain the class features of each class WHEN YOU ARE FIRST LEVEL!  That means, if you want be a Soldier then pick up Jedi, YOU GET NONE OF THE CLASS FEATURES OR SKILLS OF THE JEDI CLASS!  In other words, if you pick up Jedi after first level you don't get any of the free starting feats like Force Sensitivity, Weapon Focus Light Sabers and Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), that a Jedi would get if he started as a first level character.  That means if you want to use the force, you will need to pick up the Force Sensitivity Feat to gain access to the Use The Force Skill.  This is the same for all the base classes.  

I believe you can technically take Force Sensitive after 1st Level.  In my opinion I don't think you should be able to but I'm not the DM and I don't think it has ever come up.  I just feel that it would be weird for Han Solo or Chewy suddenly picking up Force Sensitivity after decades of never showing evidence of Force Abilities.  Keep in mind that all characters gain Force points that allows them to do crazy things that wouldn't make them Force Sensitive.

There is a down side to choosing Force Sensitivity after 1st level.  If you do, you will need to waste a feat to pick up the Skill Training Feat to become trained in the Use The Force Skill.  If you chose Force Sensitivity at 1st Level then you could just choose the Use The Force skill as part of your starting skills.
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