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[IC] Into Barovia
She takes the rope in her hand and while tying it to her saddle she replies, "Very well but even their cries seem to have been lost in this, what you described, blasted thick mist."
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Sumaul leads her quickly, straining to hear the sounds of their allies flight, or the wolves pursuit. He doesn't speak, for fear of missing any sound.
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(11-09-2020, 05:24 AM)Sumayl al-Akhir Wrote: Sumaul leads her quickly, straining to hear the sounds of their allies flight, or the wolves pursuit. He doesn't speak, for fear of missing any sound.

Upon entering the mists lingering at the edge of the road, sounds suddenly seem hushed.  The mists appear almost motile as they seem to gather up around your horses hooves to shroud the ground from your sight.  You realize your horse could easily stumble and break a leg and with no way for you to lead it get back to the road, it would be lost to you, forever.  The longer you travel in the mist the more it seems to choke, disorient, and enervate all of you.  After an indeterminate amount of time you suddenly find yourself on the same road, and by evidence of the tracks on the groud, at the exact same spot you entered.
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Sumayl looks back at the sorceress apologetically.

"It seems we will have to hope for the best for our companions. Fate seems to decree it."

He stop[s and utters a prayer to Hajama, to grant him courage.  Then settled once more he continues. He does not untie the rope leading the sorceress's horse.
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Aly looks around for the Sorceress, Sumayl is directing his comment too.  [Aly is a Fighter/ CLERIC]

"Perhaps fate has other plans for them," Aly replies softly.  "Or perhaps we will meet them again later."  The Priestess was unsettled by their sudden disappearance but they were complete strangers to both of them.  Also the female said she was an elf but there was something about her accent that seemed subtly clumsy that made her suspicious of the woman.  And what if when they ran off the half dozen worgs didn't chase after them and Aly and the caviler to handle by themselves.  They both could have been slaughtered.
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"We press on kahina."

He turns his horse and starts heading down the road, leading Aly's horse by rope. knowing she is a fully capable rider, but not wanting to get separated
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(11-11-2020, 10:27 PM)Sumayl al-Akhir Wrote: "We press on kahina."

He turns his horse and starts heading down the road, leading Aly's horse by rope. knowing she is a fully capable rider, but not wanting to get separated

"Kahina?  Who or what is Kahina?"  Aly was more tolerant toward humans than most of her kind but she was going to punch this guy in the nose if he didn't start respecting her.
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Outside the Inn, a fog lies over the town this evening, draping everything in its clammy grasp. The damp cobbled street shines as the light of street lanterns dances across the slick stones. The cold fog chills the bones and shivers the soul of anyone outside.

Yet inside these tavern walls the food is hearty and the ale is warm and frothy. A fire blazes in the hearth and the tavern is alive with the tumbling voices of country folk.

Suddenly, a hush falls over the tavern. Even the flagons of ale seem to silence themselves. The tavern door swings open. Framed by the lamp-lit fog, a form strides into the room. His heavy, booted footfalls and the jingle of his coins shatter the silence. His brightly colored clothes are draped in loose folds about him and his hat hangs askew, hiding his eyes in shadows. Without hesitation, he walks directly up to your table and stands proudly in a wide stance with folded arms.

His accented voice speaks, "I have been sent to you to deliver this message! If you be a creature of honor, you will come to my master's aid at first light. It is not advisable to travel the Svalich woods at night!" He pulls from his tunic a sealed letter, addressed to all of you in beautiful flowing script. He drops the letter on the table. "Take the west road from here some five hours march down through the Svalich woods. There you will find my master in Barovia.  If you're quick about it, you may be able to catch up to the small group who accepted the plea merely 30 minutes before you arrived."  

With that, he leaves...

The babble of tavern voices resumes, although somewhat subdued. The letter is lying before you. Dated yesterday, the ink is still not dry and the parchment is crisp. The seal is of a crest you don't recognize.

Assuming you open the letter...

Hail to thee of might and valor:

I, a lowly servant of the township of Barovia, send honor to
thee. We plead for thy so desperately needed assistance within
our community.

The love of my life, Ireena Kolyana, has been afflicted by an
evil so deadly that even the good people of our town cannot
protect her. She languishes from her wound and I would have
her saved from this menace.

There is much wealth in this community. I offer all that
might be had to thee and thy fellows if thou shah but answer my
desperate plea.

Come quickly for her time is at hand! All that I have shall be

Kolyan Indrirovich,

Alynorae and Sumayl were not sure how long they were traveling.  You guess merely 20 to 30 minutes had passed since you entered that fog but your level of exhaustion made it feel like it you were in there much longer.  You were told by the gypsy it would only be 5 hours to travel to find his master in Barovia but so far it seemed like it was much later.  The perpetual rolling blackness of thunderclouds that cast a gray pall over the land didn't help as made it impossible to keep track of time.  

As you travel, there's a deathly stillness in the dark woods that surrounded the road but yet you can't help feeling like you're being watched.  Every once in a while, out of the corner of your eyes you catch what seems to be the flicker of eyes reflecting your torchlight.  They seem to glow menacingly from the woods but when you looked to investigate they would vanish.  You dismiss them as figments of your imagination or phantoms created by the strange motile mists that surround you on either side.  But you keep your wits about you, just in case they weren't illusions of your suddenly overactive imagination.
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Rhoderic carefully examines the sealed letter before usin his dagger to carefully lift the edge of the wax seal from the paper, as to open the letter with out breaking the seal. He then quickly examines the letter while sipping his mug of ale, He then bekins the tavern owner over to his table and quitely inquires about the cost of renting a room and a wake up call few hours before dawn so he can get a head start on catching the travelers that left perhaps 30 minutes prior.
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[Rhoderic does not have a horse, I hope that is not going to be a problem, allthough he has light encumbrence is is at full movement]
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