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Missing Caravan
"Honey"  He smiles "I just wanna get to the next town so I can refill my bag of candies.  Contract smontract, I could care less about restrictions like that.  I'm only stickin' around cause a you.  That's it.  We don't need to push on, we just need to get to point B." 

He double takes at Betimi.  "That's right.  You're the only reason I'm here."  He sniffs then coughs "Alright, looks like this dinghy has more holes than swiss cheese!!  It will take half a year to fix her, an I ain't stayin' here till night.  We push on or we go back!" 

After hocking a loogie, he turns and looks in the direction they are supposed to be going.
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[OoC assuming that Jonath shares what he has found.]

"It seems our planned direction has changed. You found the wagons we were looking for but nowhere near enough bodies to account for all the merchants and drovers for a caravan that size. Jonath has found footprints of booted feet among the tracks."

"That means the kobolds took prisoners,. It means the caravan did not continue down the road to Lavander Falls from here, so neither should we."

"If we have any hope of completing the quest undertaken by our companions, then it will be by pursuing these creatures."

"I gave my word that I would aid them in this quest, and I keep my word. I understand if you wish to leave the humans to their fate, you have suffered grave injury in this quest with no promise of reward."

She reaches out and lays a hand on Mardak's arm to forestall his reply a moment longer.

"I will be grateful if you continue with us. Your strong sword-arm will be needed."

"As for your our friendship and mating habits.. we.. I mean I... am conflicted. Among the slave p... among my people, mating is controlled, it is for breeding. Malphas is a being of emotion, I was unused to his desire for this.. longing to join with another."
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"I have suffered grave injury before and my sword arm will always be useful...unless it's torn off...And my mating habits are not habits at all.  If I wanted another wife and kid I would not have trained myself to become a bounty hunter.  To hunt the dragon that killed them." 

"I am not the lovey dovey kinda type anymore.  Became hardened when I lost them, now we need to move forward and make haste!!"
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The water drains out of the boat, leaving only small puddles in trapped corners.

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"Let us quickly check if they left anything behind."

She starts to look around the boat.

[Search [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4 she disbelieves the boat lol]
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He looks back to Betimi confusedly.  The shrugs "Fine..."   He chuckles and says "Uh Betimi, The boats over here"

Search Check
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[OoC: Remember in non-stressful situations where you have lots of time, taking 20 is your friend. Wink ]

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You both do a search of the riverboat but don't find anything special.

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Selina blinks in thought as she tried to remember her brief conversation with the guard.

"I do believe the guardsman was knocked out fairly early, so he is uncertain of many details. In any case, he is right here so we can ask him." She indicates the man resting nearby after doctor Selina instructed him to stay put.
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Realizing her foreign appearance must look rather distressingf to the guard, even without the fact that she appears to be wasted and diseased, Betimi belatedly decides she better pull up the veil that dangles beside her cheek to conceal her face.

" Good sir," she calls out, "What was the date the last day you remember, before the creatures attacked?"

[OoC unskilled Diplomacy check in case her appearance has unnerved him.. Diplomacy [1d20+4] = 13+4 = 17 ]
[OoC Diplomacy unrushed takes a minute, during which Mardak has enough time to take 20 on that Search.. hint hint]
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