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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: I assume you're tying the strongest swimmers (Essaccus and Gurkagh] near the front so they can help drag the others?  Or maybe one or two strong swimmer can go through first and run a rope through so everyone else can pull themselves along using the rope and/or the one or two on the other side could pull them through? ]
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Gurkagh volunteers to swim through with a 100 foot rope (tie multiples together if we have to). Then we can use that as a guide ope. He will to a second rope as well if we have it, then everyone lse an attach to that rope in a chain with Essacus leading and Gurkagh can pull them through. One rope to tow them and another as a guide rope.
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[OoC: It's a 45' distance.  You know how this works.  You will need to make one swim check DC 10 and one fortitude save DC 11.  If you succeed you move 15' as a full round action.  If you fail your swim check then you make no progress.  If at any point you fail a Fort save then the water has sickened you.
  • If both are successful then you move 15' and you then you roll again 
  • If Swim succeeds but Fort save fails then you move 15' and you're sickened for 10 rounds. (-2 swim checks)
  • If swimming fails but Fort Succeeds you make no progress then roll again.
  • If both fail then no progress is made and you're sickened (-2 Swim checks). 
So what are your first checks?
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Swim +2 [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12; Fort [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9

Swims 15' and gets sickened.

Cntine makng checks?
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Your Swim checks and saves are now at -2.  You need just 2 more successes.
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Swim [1d20] = 16; Fort [1d20] = 13
Swim [1d20] = 11; Fort. [1d20] = 8

So Gurkagh makes it through, but he's puking his guts out. He allows the ioun torch to light up his surroundings. Then when he can catch his breath, he tugs on the rope to indicate he is through., and awaits the tugs that indicate people are tied on.
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(09-28-2020, 02:42 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: Swim  [1d20] = 16; Fort [1d20] = 13
Swim [1d20] = 11; Fort. [1d20] = 8

So Gurkagh makes it through, but he's puking his guts out.  He allows the ioun torch to light up his surroundings. Then when he can catch his breath, he tugs on the rope to indicate he is through., and awaits the tugs that indicate people are tied on.

[OoC: Thankfully being sickened isn't like being fatigued which will bump up to exhaustion.  You can't be more sickened than sickened.  It just resets the 1 minute of, blahhhhhhhh! ]

The rest of the party feels the tug on the rope.

The water here averages only 2 feet deep, and maintains the same unhealthy taint found outside in the Weeping Lake. The foul-smelling air makes the eyes water in this cave, but despite this worrying effect, has no further impact on creatures. Scorch marks on the shore are all that remain of patches of (harmless) mold that previous adventurers burned away.

Dampness hangs in the air of this cave, condensing into heavy moisture on the slick, stone walls. The calm, dark waters continue northward for 20' to 30' then wind around to the east, out of sight.  A five-foot-high ledge sporting several stalagmites rises to the east, beyond which a low-ceilinged cave beckons. 

[OoC2: We won't be going through every room that's already been emptied again.  I'm just giving the new players the chance to role play through some of the more important obstacles so when it's mentioned by other players, they will have an understanding of what the party is referencing.  There also might be some unexplored areas remaining one of you might still discover. ]
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Cin had already tied herself to the rope.  She silently thanked Brigh for the Water Breathing spell then looked back at the others.  

"Everyone ready?" She asks.  "Should we all go at once or one at a time?  Unless that tug was a giant fish eating the big guy - in which case I honor his sacrifice - it didn't take long for the him to get through to the other side."
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[OoC: I'm hand waving any further swim checks.  If you want you can roll a swim check at +5 to see how rough of a time you had getting through but with Gurkagh on the other side it shouldn't be too difficult. ]
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[OoC: Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but I just ot home from the hspital and my Fistulgraphy surgery this morning, and I forgot my phone at home]
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S.S-10 checks to make sure he is securely attached to Gurlagh's rope, and attaches his own length of rope to the end and hands the end to Cin, or whom ever is next in line, so that they can pull the end of the rope back once he is through. He then enters the water, and swims/ pulls himself along the rope to Gurlagh. Swim Check = [1d20] = 9, 9+5 = 14.
when he reaches the other side he unattaches himsel from the rope, and give his rope two tugs, so that the others can pull the rope back through to themselves for the next person to make the journey.
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