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OoC thread
Magic Missile not on my spell list wwonder what omain it could be in for Nang, otherwise we'd have to use it with UMD
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Oh yeah.. it's in the Force domain... Nang just gained some offense if we let him use the wand
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I'm fine with that. It'ws a pain for Selina to even bother and she's more of an up-close type anyway.

Giving some thought to having her take a couple levels of Sentinel and fill it in with Practiced Spellcaster. Would give her Divine Grace and then PS covers any loss of spell level.
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(09-11-2020, 06:39 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: Oh yeah.. it's in the Force domain... Nang just gained some offense if we let him use the wand

It's part of the Nentyar Hunter 1 spell list which is even better. 

Quote:3d4+3 force damage per charge? That IS Murder. Wink

That was the wand the familiar was using.  A group of ravens is called an "unkindness" or "conspiracy."  But that was kind of lame.  However, a group of crows is called a 'Murder' which I thought was a little cooler having a bird fly around screaming, "MURDER" during battle!
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Big Grin Big Grin
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Guess we have a few more items to divide.

Ningalu already has ac 22 I think Nang could use the amulet or Ioun stone for AC once he regains normal form, but for now Betimi, Selina, or Tomreal should take the amulet of natural armor or Ioun stone of AC

The pack mule Ioun stone has the mos benefit if given to Tomreal, with his now 20 Str.. it will double his light load from 133 lbs. to 266 lbs.

Ningalu would love the Cracked, dusty Rose Prism: +1 competence bonus on initiative checks; 500gp (Seems very cheap); CL: 12
bonus t Initiative to catch foes flat-footed is handy.
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Betimi has nothing in the throat slot so the Amulet of Natural armour +1 is attractive and leaves the Dusty Rose Prism +1 AC ioun stobe free for someone that has a throat slot item already

Qho between Selina or Tomreal is taking the continual flame cameo amulet? No one else needs light.
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Unless they’re all needed to get back home. Selina will always choose going home over magic items. She’s never liked planet travel and this plane has been close to a nightmare for her.
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As I understood it, these were the ioun stones 'NOT connected to the network' so ours to use.
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I guess we'll wait for Marvel then?
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