09-09-2020, 06:25 PM
(09-09-2020, 05:39 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:Quote:Weapon Abilities - Razor Sharp*
Some craftsmen can coax a superior edge from a blade. Swordsmen consider such weapons extremely valuable, as such blades not only slice into opponents more easily but they also stick within such foes less frequently. A bladed weapon with this item quality deals an extra +1 point of damage.
Restriction: May only be applied to bladed slashing weapons.
Requirements: Craft Masterwork Weapon, Artisan Craftsman
Price: Additional Cost: +1,000 gp; +6 to Craft DC of masterwork component.
Dragon #358
[OoC: I think 'Razor Sharp' is something Runa will look into adding to the group's slashing weapons.]
I think that +1000 is in addition to the +300 for being masterwork and getting the +1 to hit for MW. I take it this stacks with the enchantment +1 to damage (would be useless otherwise.