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17. Temple of Brigh:
[OoC we actually had the opportunity to do this sort of shopping 'yesterday'.. GM Marvel told us that it was allowed out of character]
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(04-01-2017, 03:01 AM)Man in Black Wrote: Joram Kyte is grinding his teeth when people start filtering in.  His pained expression softens when he realizes the group's purpose here.  "Let's get right to it.  Not in the mood for small talk.  Is everyone here?  Good."  He holds up a rod and intones the spell to confer water breathing on the whole party at once.  "Better hop to it.  Spells don't last forever.  There's an acolyte manning the shop out front for some basic supplies, potions, scrolls, and such."

"Don't touch that, dwarf!"  Joram snaps at Ursk with more than a little irritation.

(All the magic stuff is out of your price range except for a batch of healing potions.  40 each with discount.)

Everyone walks into the temple and is greeted by one of the clergy.  She recognizes you immediately and escorts you to Joram Kyte.  The High Priest's pained expression softens when he see's you've returned. 

"Good morning.  So are you ready to get back at it?  I have your water breathing spell ready."  Joram pulls out the ornate rod he used to extend the spell the first time you were here.
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"We are. Hoping to delve further, and we should now be able to recover the one body we had to bypass before."
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"Thank you Father Kyte, for imbuing use with the ability to breath water, in order to aid us on this quest!", as E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 bows to him standing before the High priest in his blue and white archiac monk od Brigh robes.
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The tiny, brightly coloured bird whistles in Hallit into Gurkagh's ear.

"No Uncle, I will not let him forget you."
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(09-03-2020, 04:53 PM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: Do we need an Everburning Torch?  If we do, it's 110gp and I'm a little low on cash.

[OoC: This question is important for those of you without darkvision.]

[Image: 7ccc7bce189bb9f91a013a9c8a697e38.jpg]

Joram says, "Remember, the reward of 4000gp is still being offered to the group who can find out what happened to Counselor Khonnir Baine and rescue him.  If you return him to us alive, the council has made a promise to include a Scroll of Resurrection we've been holding on to in case we need to revive him."

While listening to the priest speak, ESSACCUS continues to feel a headache that he's been aware of since he woke up doesn't seem to want to go away.  [You must make a Fortitude Save]

"I want to inform you that we are selling some special items here.  We're offering them first to those brave souls who wish to travel deep into the caves.  We have:

1 Flare Gun
1 Scroll of Find Traps (10th Level)
3 Scrolls of Restoration
1 Scroll of Raise Dead
1 Wan of Rebuke Technology (11 charges)

I suggest when you come back you go to the Touch Guildhouse and use my name.  They will offer you special items that may be useful to you.  I am also offering you all a writ that you can show to any of the merchants in town for a flat 20% discount for any gear you need to purchase - I wish I could offer you a greater discount but that is the best I can do.  I will even refund 20% of anything you've spent on gear thus far since agreeing to this quest.  And finally, I offer the extended water breathing.  There are 5 of you so that will give you a little over a four and a half hours (actually 4.8 hours or 4 hours and 48 minutes) which will hopefully give you enough time to explore and then emerge."

"Are there any further questions?"
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[OoC  BEFORE we spent the money on shopping would have been the appropriate time for this info rather than after.  Ah well, for now we have several sunrods between us as well as lamps and oil, enough to last a few days. Hopefully we bring out enough  to purchase those items next time.]

"I only have 27 gold left, so unless we can pool our funds together we fall well short of the  everburning torch."
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"Gurkagh has this much."  

He holds out a hand that has some gold and platinum coins in it, unsure of it's value unless he can sit and count.  (4 platinum, 11 gold == 51 gp)
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(09-11-2020, 08:32 PM)Reawyn Wrote: [OoC  BEFORE we spent the money on shopping would have been the appropriate time for this info rather than after.  Ah well, for now we have several sunrods between us as well as lamps and oil, enough to last a few days. Hopefully we bring out enough  to purchase those items next time.]

"I only have 27 gold left, so unless we can pool our funds together we fall well short of the  everburning torch."


(03-09-2017, 02:13 PM)Man in Black Wrote: The young guard seems to bristle at all the sudden attention.  He shrugs his shoulders when questioned.  "I guess it beats moving crates from one side of the warehouse to the other."  

Inside the council room, Dolga Freddert waits alone at the council table.  Dolga is an old Dwarf woman who was here when Torch was originally founded.  She was said to be a good hand with a warhammer, but these days the only hammer she swings is a gavel.  Her shoulders seem to relax at the sight of so many adventurers crowding into the room.  "I'm sure you all have heard all about the torch going out and what that would mean for the town.  Even more troublesome is the disappearance of Khonnir Baine.  He went under the hill with a group of adventurers and hasn't been seen since.  We are offering up an award of 4000 gold pieces for his return.  If you should find him alive, we will also throw in a scroll of resurrection.  To help get you started, each of you will receive a writ that will give you a 20% discount with the town merchants. Apparently the entrance to the cave is under water so prepare yourselves for that."

I was repeating it for the benefit of new players and to refresh everyone's memories. 

I also said the priest would reimburse you the 20% but if there are items you wouldn't have bought then he will reimburse for those as well!]
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Does that also apply to the potions we just purchased? Or was the 20% factored in.
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