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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
[OOC: Deception +7 ]
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Dez only has +4, but the GM hasn't answered the question of whether Forge will yield favourable results yet. He asked if you were taking another round to ask that fisrt. Since you are Dez will slow the hip down and stay behind the massive rock so just making a single square movement.
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Oh I misread the question "Will contacting the base to get the codes yield favorable results..." the answer to that is No.. the base foes not know the Imperial codes.. it is not an Imperial base

The yes was for the next question.. Forge will yield positive results because they do not want to accidentally blow up Kratos
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Will update the map for the additional round of stalling.
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(09-03-2020, 07:58 PM)Dez Synn Wrote: Dez only has +4,  but the GM hasn't answered the question of whether  Forge will yield favourable results yet.  He asked if you were taking another round to ask that fisrt.  Since you are Dez will slow the hip down and stay behind the massive rock  so just making a single square movement.

[OoC: The GM just said that Forging will yield positive results.  But even if he said it wouldn't, Would we not still need Deception to pretend we're Kratos?  ]
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[OOC: What about Captain Sunt's deception.  I would hope he would have a fairly high deception, unless all his hauls have been legal.]
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His Deception is +2 apparently he is NOT a smuggler.
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Updated the map to reflect the extra round of movement of ships and asteroids.

There have been some shifts in direction due to collisions. Most notably the asteroid cloud at AF07-AG09 has shifted due to collision with the huge asteroid at AD8-AE09.  The cloud is now moving straight 'Eastward' rather than 'South-Eastward' meaning it will pose a threat to your safety soon.

[Image: SHXqCKv.jpg]
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[OoC: So out of all the pirates and scoundrels, the Medical Droid and the Jedi have the best Deception skills.  Really?   Rolleyes  

How many people can Aid another?  Because I have a feeling we'll need everyone's input on this. ]
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lol..I will make a judgement call of a max 4 otherwise they start minusing as they are distracting.
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