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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
(08-17-2020, 05:22 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: "It's possible," Simon replies.  "But it appeared as if Ning lost control of the wand.  The mishap appears to be an invisibility spell [Spellcraft to identify effects] so it's more likely the mishap caused the wand to activate on a random target.  Since invisibility is a touch spell, the only other target available was Nang!"

[["Lolcraft" check was in response to that.  I can make a separate spellcraft for the portal, if necessary.]]
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[Sorry for replying a little late, just awoke from my after dialysis nap]  
As Kubo approached the strange glowing shallow pool,  that had suddenly began to bubble and swirl forming a whirlpool as he approached the pool side, and Kudo suddenly found himself sucked through the whirl pool, down into its' depths. And just as suddenly he found himself struggling for air and launched to the surface again coughing and spluttering, kicking and spalshing like a landed fish on the shore of a different shallow pool ina different cavern than the one he had originaly been in. Once he catches his breath and realizes the water is shallow enough to stand in in, he struggles to his feet muttering to himself "Dang! Darned Fool Dwarf, whhere in Marthammor Duin's Blessed Depths' have ye gone an landed yerself know!" Then he suddenly realizes he is not alone in this new chamber, but is surrounded by heavily armed and well outfitted, capable looking strangers, and drops silent slowly raising his hands palms up, while moving his feet into a more defensive posistion, looking to each person for signs of hostility, hoping he still has his weapons should he need to defend himself.
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Selina blinks at what climbs out of the pool, smiling and thanking Selune above for her fortune.  A Dwarf!  And one seemingly willing to talk rather than attack first!  What lovely fortune!

Immediately, the armored priestess steps forward, slowly approaching and keeping her arms at her sides and showing the new person a gentle face of welcome.  "Greetings, good sir.  I'm not certain but I believe we all are so grateful to see a face from our home plane.  My name is Selina, may I ask yours?"

Selina is an attractive, even though she would not agree with the assessment, pale-skinned human with auburn hair and amber-colored eyes. She wears full plate armor and has a greatsword and a crossbow strapped to her back, and a holy symbol dangling from a chain around her neck. She stands about 5 and a half feet tall.
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(08-17-2020, 08:07 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [["Lolcraft" check was in response to that.  I can make a separate spellcraft for the portal, if necessary.]]

[OoC: No that's fine. The LOL-craft just seemed like a weird typo. ]

When Selina steps toward the dwarf, the male human warrior wielding a longsword and shield steps with her protectively.

"And mine, Tomeal!" The soldier replies cordially but his stance remains protective of the priest.
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A girl with pure white skin, and pure white hair, and completely black pupilless eyes, almost like a fish, stares at the newcomere, she is more suspiciousthan the priestess, and does not try to hide it.

"We have no idea what plane he is from, not all of us here even come from the same plane, these portals are opening across many worlds. There are even dwarves on my world, the masters use them for food. They are tough to chew unless marinated and tenderized. Not like humans or kobolds.. no offence meant."

She is wearing equally alien looking armour crafted from blacjk, fuzzy chitin from some insectoid creature. She is armed with a soear and acrossbow is strapped to her back. Oddly shea crying, tears are streaming down her face, and she looks saddened by even her own harsh words.
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A diminutive green scaled kobold looks at the newcomer from behind cover where he darted as soon as the bubbling and frothing started. His loaded crossbow is aimed squarely at the dwarf. He hisses. 

"Dwarves not be trusted. They smashes and abuses kobolds. They not trade with us. They even take our mines."
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"Oh come now, Ningalu!  Not all dwarves are the same.  Nor all kobolds the same.  Remember that I once distrusted your tribe for kidnapping villagers until I learned more."

Selina learns her lessons very well, regardless of their form.
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"We not shoot him, for now." He looks at Betimi "You've eaten kobold??"
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Betimi shrugs, and nods, while weeping.

"No, they stopped me", gesturing at Selina. "I was trying to conserve rations and they attacked us. In my home, that is how one survives, you kill to eat. You eat, you survive. You don't eat, something kills you. Never had I seen kobolds before that day, but I have been fed dwarf."
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(08-18-2020, 04:26 AM)Betimi Wrote: Betimi shrugs, and nods, while weeping.

"No, they stopped me", gesturing at Selina. "I was trying to conserve rations and they attacked us. In my home, that is how one survives, you kill to eat. You eat, you survive. You don't eat, something kills you. Never had I seen kobolds before that day, but I have been fed dwarf."

"Many races have different culinary habits," Simon replies.  "But among humans, it's a serious taboo to cannibalize sentient creatures.  As for Dwarves, I've never met one before I met your friend Kee.  I'm also not aware of Kobolds or whatever it is you say you are.  You speak as if Dwarves are known on many worlds.  It's strange they are absent from mine."

"Sorry," the man says to the new arrival.  "My name is Simon," says a man with glasses and black spiky hair.  "I'm a scientist who specializes in different creatures - mundane and magical - who inhabit my world.  If you wouldn't mind, I would like to ask you some questions later... when we rest."  He wears a long red trench coat and dark oval spectacles.
[Image: g00mb2i0wll21.jpg]
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