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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Betimi  scoops up the wand and dead raven, then spends a few more minutes scouring the pond before she surfaces.

"I found these." she holds out the dead raven with the cameo still attached to it's foot, and the slender stick.

She looks at Simon and Ning/Nanag. "Perhaps one of you can identify them."
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Ning simply gathers everything found on the orc into a neat stack, then moves onto the next body. he will wait until all the bodies have been stripped before casting detect magic.
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Next body is turned over revealing a Female, Elvin, Cleric of Corellon Larethian:

MW Crossbow
30 bolts
MW dagger
MW longsword
MW chain shirt
MW large steel shield
Holy symbol
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[OoC Ningalu doesn't know enough about other religions to know just how stranger it is for a priest of Correllon to adventure with an orc, does Nang?]
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Next body, appears to be a half elf rogue:

MW shortbow
33 arrows
MW short sword
MW Elvin chain
Vial:  Bubbling, watery substance that is pearl in color. It smells and tastes like vanilla.
Vial:  Fizzing, vicious potion that is gray in color. It smells like oranges and red pepper, but tastes like melon.
Vial:  Moving, murky elixir that is gray with emerald specks. It smells like spit and urine, but tastes like acid.
Vial:  Pulsing fluid that is gold in color. It smells like vanilla and blood, but tastes like cooked meat.
MW thieves tools
69 gp.
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After searching that body and piling up what he finds, Ning will move to the final body.
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Now having gathered everything in one place Ningalu expends one of his 0 level spell slots (he has 6)  for Detect Magic
  • silver cameo w/silver chain [ivory carving of a woman's profile with continual flame)
  • ornately carved stick - wand
  • MW mighty composite longbow (+4 str)
  • MW handaxe
  • 11 MW arrows
  • MW Falchion
  • MW Breastplate
  • Vial:  Glowing liquid that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like ginger.
  • Vial:  Glowing liquid that is white with orange globules. It smells like excrement and vanilla, but tastes like tea and rum
  • Vial:  transparent, slimy draught that is pink with ochre flashes. It smells and tastes like ashes.
  • Vial:  Bubbling, thin mixture that is emerald in color. It smells like chocolate and lemon, but tastes like acid and salt.
  • Vial:  Ichorous liquid that is cobalt in color. It smells like vanilla and strawberries, but tastes like earwax.
  • Vial:  oily mixture that is azure with silver accretions on the side. It smells and tastes like blueberries.
  • Thunderstone
  • 160 gp.
  • MW Crossbow
  • 30 bolts
  • MW dagger
  • MW longsword
  • MW chain shirt
  • MW large steel shield
  • Cloak
  • Scroll 
  • Scroll
  • Backpack
  • Holy symbol
  • MW shortbow
  • 33 arrows
  • MW short sword
  • MW Elvin chain
  • Vial:  Bubbling, watery substance that is pearl in color. It smells and tastes like vanilla.
  • Vial:  Fizzing, vicious potion that is gray in color. It smells like oranges and red pepper, but tastes like melon.
  • Vial:  Moving, murky elixir that is gray with emerald specks. It smells like spit and urine, but tastes like acid.
  • Vial:  Pulsing fluid that is gold in color. It smells like vanilla and blood, but tastes like cooked meat.
  • MW thieves tools
  • Amulet
  • 69 gp.
Yes he is even casting Detect Magic on the coins.
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Last is a Human, Female Wizard,

MW Light crossbow, 
MW dagger, 
26 bolts
MW quarterstaff, 
Vial:  Swirling, transparent, thin elixir that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like fish. 
53 gp.
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Sorry, but you found a Raven familiar.  One of them had to be a wizard.  Tongue

And since Ning and Nang are Kobolds, it's likely they would know that Orcs don't like Elves but he's actually a Half-Orc.  I corrected it in his magic item post.
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Updated the list of items Detect Magic is being cast on (thought there were three bodies not  four)
  • silver cameo w/silver chain [ivory carving of a woman's profile with continual flame)
  • ornately carved stick - wand
  • MW mighty composite longbow (+4 str)
  • MW handaxe
  • 11 MW arrows
  • MW Falchion
  • MW Breastplate
  • Vial:  Glowing liquid that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like ginger.
  • Vial:  Glowing liquid that is white with orange globules. It smells like excrement and vanilla, but tastes like tea and rum
  • Vial:  transparent, slimy draught that is pink with ochre flashes. It smells and tastes like ashes.
  • Vial:  Bubbling, thin mixture that is emerald in color. It smells like chocolate and lemon, but tastes like acid and salt.
  • Vial:  Ichorous liquid that is cobalt in color. It smells like vanilla and strawberries, but tastes like earwax.
  • Vial:  oily mixture that is azure with silver accretions on the side. It smells and tastes like blueberries.
  • Thunderstone
  • 160 gp.
  • MW Crossbow
  • 30 bolts
  • MW dagger
  • MW longsword
  • MW chain shirt
  • MW large steel shield
  • Cloak
  • Scroll 
  • Scroll
  • Backpack
  • Holy symbol
  • MW shortbow
  • 33 arrows
  • MW short sword
  • MW Elvin chain
  • Vial:  Bubbling, watery substance that is pearl in color. It smells and tastes like vanilla.
  • Vial:  Fizzing, vicious potion that is gray in color. It smells like oranges and red pepper, but tastes like melon.
  • Vial:  Moving, murky elixir that is gray with emerald specks. It smells like spit and urine, but tastes like acid.
  • Vial:  Pulsing fluid that is gold in color. It smells like vanilla and blood, but tastes like cooked meat.
  • MW thieves tools
  • Amulet
  • 69 gp.
  • MW Light crossbow, 
  • MW dagger, 
  • 26 bolts
  • MW quarterstaff, 
  • Bracers
  • Wand
  • Wand
  • Amulet
  • Vial:  Swirling, transparent, thin elixir that is crimson in color. It smells and tastes like fish. 
  • 53 gp.
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