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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Can I change action? since it is only 45' away and I thought i flew too slowly. fly 15' and breathe again
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(07-22-2020, 07:05 PM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: Can I change action? since it is only 45' away and I thought i flew too slowly.  fly 15' and breathe again

[You know it's acidic FIRE right?  But sure...
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[[Since she can't affect the battle any further, posting for Selina now.]]

Selina grimaces as the anticipated strike from Tomeal...never arrives. Instead she hears the clatter of metal against earth and relaxes.  This battle essentially had ended in a rout, with their remaining enemy chased to its doom, as battles should end.  Without much ability to participate, Selina relaxes her guard and sheathes her blade, unbuckling one of her gauntlets to run a hand through her hair and sweep it away from her face.  She then addresses Tomeal exclusively, a quirky smile filtering across her face.

"Come now, Brave one.  You think me a fool?  Or, perhaps, some mindless, bloodraging Barbarian?  Of course you were not yourself."

Using the same bare hand, she tenderly sweeps his hair out of his face, using the motion to gently lift his chin as she kneels before him, bringing them face-to-face.  Not wanting to overwhelm the moment, she leans forward to rest her forehead against his, breathing softly to remind him that she was just fine and quite happy his mind had been returned to him.

"There is nothing to forgive.  Those who mistreated you have been, or are being, punished, and you have been returned to us.  Come.  Pick up your blade.  We will need it in the near future."
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The creature is up at the ceiling, not in the trees, correct? Or is there tree cover here?
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[OoC: I don't think I've ever used the word 'trees' for the vegetation inside the cave.  There are giant leaves, vines and other foliage.  When I've said 'canopy' I meant foliage that's over your heads.  And that's shown on the map with the giant leaves. 

In any case, the foliage in the areas on the map that have large areas of leaves, fill the cave to the ceiling.  These areas are considered rough terrain.  The lighter green areas just have moss and smaller plants that you can walk through fairly easily.  The creature is only 15' to 20' off the ground.
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No change in action then. You said the creature flew into another cave?? thought this was the same cave?
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(07-23-2020, 01:18 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: No change in action then.  You said the creature flew into another cave?? thought this was the same cave?

[Actually, I said he, 'flew through (not over) the canopy, deeper into the cave.'  This is all one big cave system but earlier I wrote, the passage forked.  You investigated both directions and found the north passage came to an end at a glowing pool with walls that twinkled like stars. ]

Tomeal eyes are still downturned in embarrassment.  The seminary he lived at as an orphan brutally train him how to resist evil forces that might invade his thoughts but the first time he's truly tested he failed.  After listening to Selina speak, Tomeal realizes he's failing these people who saved his life by pouting like a child.  So he takes a deep breath, lifts his gaze to meet the priest's and whispers, "Thank you.  I promise, I'll train harder and learn to resist these outside compulsions."

[I assume no one is chasing the creature deeper into the cave.  I guess combat is over.]
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Selina's smiles grows a little wider and the leans her head back to place a soft kiss to where their foreheads touched, before gently pulling back.  "I know you can do it, Brave one.  Now come, we must assemble."
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Betimi  looks up at  Ning. "Are you alright?"   She gestures at the crawling hand with it's tail buried in Ning's chest.
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(07-21-2020, 04:52 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[OoC2: Off-topic...would you like me to take over Dog or do you still want him to be a DMPC/NPC?]]

[OoC: I'm ok for now.  But I will keep your offer in mind for the future. ]

Tomeal smiles at Selina's kind gesture.  He takes the priest's hands and then while standing, he helps Selina to her feet too.  "There's likely more of those things deeper in the cave."

"I imagine you're correct." Simon interrupts.  "But it's strange they didn't physically attack anyone.  I suspect they use the rage to have people kill each other and then they swoop in and feast upon the remains.  It may have been successful too, if it weren't for the majority of the party consisting of professions who are skilled in resisting attacks on the mind."  Simon pauses, then says to Tomeal, "No offense."

When Betimi asks Ning, how he's feeling, the hand attached to the kobold's chest waves at her.
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