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OoC thread
That's interesting because I saw your reply to my Figments post but I did not see your edit, which was made literally 2 minutes later, regarding the soldiers.   Angry

Now I've read it, I'm interested in your thought process behind this statement...

Quote:I'm leaning heavily towards leaving the soldiers on the ship if it keeps them safer (lighter ship = more speed).

How would leaving the soldiers on the ship lead to a lighter ship?  

As for leaving the soldiers behind, I'm completely 1000% fine with you leaving them behind on the ship.  It might even be a smart choice because if the ship is not properly defended then you might not have a ship to pick you up after you finish your mission.  It's also less work for me to keep track of all them extra rolls and more xp for you guys.  I already have Tomeal, Simon, and Nang as NPC's to deal with.  Then there's Nacesh, Forge and Kee that have either left the site or are on Hiatus (possibly permanently).  Forge is Lucero and Kee is Pipi/Eran.  Nacesh closed his own game because he lost interest in DMing and had stated he was planning on leaving the site.   So I may have these three volunteer to stay with the ship.

I did have another player ready to start but I haven't seen her posting in Vitkyng's game.  Hopefully she's just distracted and will be back soon.
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The ship is lighter without us. I guess I didn't type that up properly.

Eran hasn't posted in ages, but I think his player is going through some serious stuff and I've DMPC'd him.
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(10-23-2019, 05:08 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: The ship is lighter without us.  I guess I didn't type that up properly.

Eran hasn't posted in ages, but I think his player is going through some serious stuff and I've DMPC'd him.

Ah ok.  I see now.  I thought later that the question might have seemed snotty.  If it did, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to be.  I was just curious.

And I agree about what you said about Selina needing to make decisions for the group.  Nexendia doesn't want to make decisions that might get the group killed either.  She might have an IQ of around 200 but her player doesn't.   Tongue
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No offense taken.

Also, regardless of how intelligent a character or player is, getting outside input when asked for is always a wise decision.
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Still eager and happyto keep going. just wasn't sure what input Ning would have
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Big Grin  Nice One!!!

It's actually called a, Fuzzy Buzzy.  But I think I like your name better!
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lol Betimi isgoing to tak a risk
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I think Ning needs to reroll Move silently. The roll he has is a coin flip Tongue
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Let me just say that I'm not liking this. Not one little bit.
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