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17. Temple of Brigh:
From what I've read on https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-cl...alchemist/ no, alchemist can learn from spellbooks and formulae books, but scrolls are not worth anything to them, except for using UMD like any other non-spellcaster

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(05-20-2020, 01:03 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: From what I've read on https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-cl...alchemist/ no, alchemist can learn from spellbooks and formulae books, but scrolls are not worth anything to them, except for using UMD like any other non-spellcaster

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[OoC: Ok.  But you are still the only person that can use the scroll with your UMD.  So do you want it, or should we just sell it? ]
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Keep it, it will save us later when we need an identify. But that makes it a consumable party loot. Not something that is fair to make Reawyn buy

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(05-20-2020, 04:40 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Keep it, it will save us later when we need an identify. But that makes it a consumable party loot. Not something that is fair to make Reawyn buy

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That's understandable.
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(05-17-2020, 04:40 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: "The place we're saying is not an inn.  It's the residence of the wizard we are looking for and it's far more comfortable than a bush!"

Cin has been waiting for a response.  Finally she impatiently says, "Well?"
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[OoC as far as I recall we were not getting free room and board at the inn, which also happens to be the wizards home.  we just destroyed the robot there is all]
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[OoC:  This is the link to the MiB post where he said we can stay at the tavern for free!  http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....6#pid20476 ]

[OoC2:  The Foundry Tavern is actually 2 buildings.  One is the usually packed Tavern which has been closed by Val Baine out of respect for her foster father, Khonnir Baine.  The foundry is next door to the tavern.  Khonnir rents it out to visiting Smiths and Metalworkers.  His home is behind the two buildings.  It should be pointed out that Cin (with DM MiB's blessing) had also been taken in as sort of a foster daughter too.]

Cin looks at Reawyn and says curiously, "You were right there with me when Val offered the Tavern for us to rest, recover, and use as a base of operations.  I'm not sure why this is such a sticking point."
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Reawyn rubs his head sheepishly.

"It has been a long day afterall"

[OoC so sue me... I forgot, it has been a VERY long time]
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(06-17-2020, 04:17 PM)Reawyn Wrote: [OoC so sue me... I forgot, it has been a VERY long time]

[OoC:  I completely understand it's been a long time.  It's just that we've been stuck for 3.5 months figuring out where we're going to sleep!  I'd like to get back to the tunnel before Christmas.  Tongue ]

"Well then, follow me," Cin replies while slightly bowing and gracefully gesturing in the direction of the door.

Cin will then take everyone to the tavern.
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Unconvinced that this sleeping indoors is a natural thing, Gurkagh whistles to his uncle to follow and trails after Cin.
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