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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
[OoC: Exactly which skills, if any, synergize with each position.

Shunna has:
  • Mechanics +8
  • Pilot +9
  • Use Computer +2
  • Ranged attack +5

I assume that means she'd best fill the roles of:
  • Co-Pilot
  • Gunner
  • Engineer

What skills do other players excel in that would help with the operation of a ship?]
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[OOC: Zero can work most stations.  He has +10 in Mechanic and Computers and Pilot +8.  But his range attack is only +3.  

So he's probably best at Engineer and SysOp; then Copilot.  I'm not sure about gunner but I assume there are characters with a better ranged attack then +3.]
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[OOC: Dez has Pilot +9 but only +4 in both Use Computers and Mechanics.  What about the NPCs?]

Shunna looks Zero, saying, "Translate this for the Talz."  Then turning to the rest of the party.  "Well speak up!  We don't have much time!  Do any of you have any training in running this ship?  Training in mechanics or computers, in particular would be useful since it appears we have a pilot eager to hyperspace out of here."
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Njon hoots and whistles his reply.   it translates to roughly "I am a gunner, but I'm also Zann's former mechanic."
Quote:Njon has Mechanics +14 and the following talents:

  • You take no penalty on attack rolls in Low Gravity or Zero Gravity environments, and you ignore the debilitating effects of Space Sickness. In addition, you are considered proficient with any Starship Weapon.
Starship Raider 
  • Prerequisite: Spacehound
  • You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls made while aboard a Starship. This bonus applies to attacks made with Starship Weapons, as well as personal weapons used aboard a Starship.
That makes his attack bonus for spaceship weapons effectively +6 BAB.  So will be +6 + the ship's intelligence mod.  He's probably the best gunner of the group.

Dez has spscehound talent so is proficient with ship's weapons and a BAB+3, as well as having her Pilot+9.  So she'd make a good co-pilot.

Ubi is a commando not a spacer or pilot, so aside from his +4 BAB he only has Mechanics+8 going for him.

The ship's statistics are as for the standard Lambda class shuttle: https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Lambda-Class_Shuttle modified for your group's skills once everyone  takes their positions. 

Njon moves to the second gunner spot.

Dez? Shunna? Zero?
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[OOC: I did not know there was a proficiency in Starship weapons.  I'm not surprised, but it wasn't something I thought about when creating my character.  

Do Pilots and Copilots control any weapons?  If they do, which ones?  I assume they can't fly and shoot at the same time so it would be better if they focus just on flying?  ]

How many positions do we need?  How many gunnery positions do we really need?  I assume if we had 2 mechanics, one mechanic could "Aid" another to boost their checks?]

[OOC2:  Is @H1-MK2 "MK" still with us?  MK?   Confused   If MK is here, what positions does he think we should place ourselves?]
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It is just the Heavy Weapons proficiency,  hence Sunt is proficient, his one useful skill here.

As per https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/Lambda-Class_Shuttle

the ship has a crew of 6  1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 2 Gunners, 1 System Operator, and 1 Engineer. [these links also describe what each of these roles can and cannot do. Remember there is a trickle down, one person can act in multiple roles, but then the ship suffers from a lack of action economy.  A pilot or co-pilot can fulfill any other role, but then can't put their all into piloting etc.] 

The weapon complement, and who controls which, are: 
Weapon Systems
2 x Blaster Cannon, Batteries (2 Gunners)  [Fire Arc: Forward]
    Attack Bonus: character BAB+2 (-5 Autofire), Damage: 5d10x2

Blaster Cannon (Copilot) [Fire Arc: Forward]
    Attack Bonus: character BAB+2 (-5 Autofire), Damage: 5d10x2

Laser Cannons, Twin (Pilot) [Fire Arc: Aft]  yup the  one weapon that only the pilot can shoot shoots backward, remember the Pilot can control any of the otherweapons too, it just eats up their actions.
    Attack Bonus: character BAB+2 (-5 Autofire), Damage: 2d10x2
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[[OOC: MK is at the helm through the scomp link, he's capable of manning the pilot gun since he's trained in heavy weapons.. He's also probably the best mechanic on board as well. +16 mechanics and +14 pilot, -10 for the colossal shuttle]]
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(03-17-2020, 02:06 AM)H1-MK2 "MK Wrote: [[OOC: MK is at the helm through the scomp link, he's capable of manning the pilot gun since he's trained in heavy weapons.. He's also probably the best mechanic on board as well. +16 mechanics and +14 pilot, -10 for the colossal shuttle]]

[OoC:  Holy crap!!  So MK should definitely pilot the ship.  But he can't be the mechanic while flying, right?  If so, that means Njon's +14 would be the next best mechanic while MK is piloting.  

Should Njon be a gunner too until the ship requires a mechanic?  

Both Dez and Shunna have pilot +9.  What is Dez's attack?  Shunna's is +5 but I think she gets a -2 non-proficient penalty.

What does the Talz offer?]
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[[OOC: Yea Njon should definitely be the mechanic. I'll end up piloting at a +4 taking into account the size and dex of the shuttle. And between MK and Njon they can easily bounce around as Engineer. Piloting only requires a single move action per round most rounds, leaving a standard and swift to handle other needs.]]
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So who would make a better co-pilot, Shunna or Dez?  Both have Pilot +9.  Shunna has an ATT +5 and Dez has an ATT +3 but Dez is proficient with heavy weapons and Shunna is not.

Since Zero has +10 Computers wouldn't that make him the SySop?  I think only MK has a higher Computer skill but he can't pilot and be a System Operator.

So far we have:

MK = Pilot +14 (+16 mechanic; ATT ???) [Laser Cannons, Twin (Pilot)]
??? = CoPilot  [Blaster Cannon (Copilot)]
Njon = Mechanic +14 (Only while MK Pilots); ATT +6 (Proficient with heavy weapons)
Zero = System Operator/ Use computer +10 (Only while MK Pilots); Medic; ATT: +3
??? = Gunner [Blaster Cannon, Batteries]
??? = Gunner [Blaster Cannon, Batteries]

Waiting for assignment:
Shunna = pilot +9 (Attack +5; Mechanic +8)
Dez = Pilot +9 (Attack +3; Proficient with Heavy Weapons.)
Ubi = Mechanic +8 (Attack +4)
Talz = ???

Maybe Dez should be the CoPilot.  Only because she has no Mechanic skill and Shunna does.  If we get damaged in combat it would be better having someone who can actually fix things at the ready.  Shunna might also be able to use the Force to help which she can't do if she's spending her actions CoPiloting.

That would allow Shunna, Ubi, and Njon to be gunners until their Mechanic skills were needed elsewhere.  

Waiting on what the Talz can do?  Talz are known for picking tech stuff up quickly.  They might not be too bright (-2 intelligence) but they get skill focus (Mechanic) if they have the mechanic skill.
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