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17. Temple of Brigh:
(12-02-2019, 08:09 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: Is @Gurkagh and @Seaven going to roll knowledge Local?  Because they get 100gp certificates too. ]

So far only Eva knows anything about Garmen Ulreth  [Will PM Eva]

The rest of you look at the certificate and it does indeed give you 100gp's to spend at The Silverdisk Hall.  The time limit of 1 week is clearly stated on the certificate. 

The gentleman asks, "Any questions?"

[OoC: If there's not any further questions, you all can do whatever you want.  Selling loot and upgrading equipment might be a good idea.]

Say thanks for invitation to Mr. Ulreth. By the way why it is called Silverdisk Hall?  (ooc - are "silver disks" common items in this world?)
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[Knowledge: Local [1d20-1] = 1-1 = 0]

The idea of a slip of paper having value blows Gurkagh's mind.

[Uncle Shimu - knowledge local [1d20-2] = 19-2 = 17]

the tiny, brightly coloured thrush however twitters in his ear in Hallet. Telling him to say thank you.

"Thanks for the wondrous offer."
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Reawyn accepts the slip of paper.

"Thank you, we will be resting in town for the night before heading back into the caves. I guess we can make a visitto this Silver Dusk Hall when we are done resupplying."
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[OoC: This game hasn't moved in a while...]

The nervous-looking courier thanks everyone for their time then quickly leaves.

The priest says, "I'm sure you need time to rest and reprovision before heading back into the caves.  Come back when you need the water breathing spell."
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We are leaving the Temple, aren't we? Smile
We are going to sell the loot and rest. 
Where can we rest in the Village?
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"You can stay with me if you want.  I've been staying at the very place where the wizard we're looking for lives."
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Gurkagh looks at Cin.  "Stay with you? Okay, me good company, not take much space."
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"I have already paid up for the rest of the week to stay at the bunk-house. The rates are cheaper than staying at an inn Agren Maust charged two gold coins for the full week."

[OoC - http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....426#switch]
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That's fine.
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Gurkagh is no confused. Doe Cin want him to stay with her? Or should he get a bed at the bunkhouse. Finally coming to a decision he opts to stick with what he normally does.

"Me sleep in bush. There good spots by pond?"
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