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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[OoC: Sorry for the delay.  I was waiting on a reply and then the weekend came and I always have a visitor on my weekends off.  I would normally have today off but as usual I picked up a shift.   Confused  But I will squeeze a post in before I go to bed.]

[OoC2: Anyone can make a Knowledge: Planes check DC 13 to know what type of creatures are attacking you.]

[OoC3: FYI I moved  the 'imps' around Selina and Tomeal.  They are suppose to be ABOVE them poking at the parachute rather than 10' to the north. Their new position makes more sense.  But remember they were about 15' to 20' above them both. ]

Betimi shoots an arrow at the creature[4] attacking the parachute.  It hits but doesn't seem all too bothered by the attack.  [Unless it's magical then it hurts him.  If it is Magical then Simon will change his action.]

Ning sneaks over to the railing of the ship...

The captain orders all his sailors below deck and only come out when called.  He also orders Simon out of the way so the Captain can take control of the wheel.

The Guards pull Tomeal and Selina toward the ship.  Soon they both are hugging the ship's stern...   There are guards manning Ballista but both miss their targets.  Rolleyes

Nang, the Twin Kobold, is petrified with fear but manages to quietly hiss the words to a spell.  When he does, everyone, including himself suddenly feel filled with courage.  [Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects, for 1 minute.]

Selina climbs onto the ship.  [Please choose either E7 ot E9.  It will take a full round action to climb aboard.] 

Nacesh throws an Ice Dagger and hits one of the creatures.  [Who are you attacking?  Please make your attack and damage rolls]

Simon moves 5' to allow the captain access to the wheel. When seeing that Betimi's arrow did nothing, Simon summons a small vial of liquid from his backpack and then smears the oil onto her bow.  "Try that!"  [Betimi's Bow is now +1]

Round 2

[OoC1: Too many rolls and not enough time.  So I will just quickly roll saves for NPC's.]


25 Creatures 
23 Forge
15 Kee
14 Tomeal
12 Betimi
11 Ning
10 Captain, Guards and Sailors
8  Selina
7 Nang (Ning's twin)
5 Nacesh
4 Simon

The creatures continue to giggle happily.  Kee notices that the imp he damaged seems no longer injured.  "Guys, I think they have some kind of regeneration!"

The creatures attack...

Imp1: moves toward the row of 3 guards and breaths a cone of dust and grit. [One failed their save]  [Guard1: 1 dam; Guard2: 1 dam; Guard 3: 3 dam]

Imp2: flies down and breaths at Ning, Nang, Necesh, Simon and Betimi.  [I rolled 1 damage.  I don't think even with a save you can go lower than that.  If someone can find a rule then I will be happy to allow you to take 0 damage. ] [Nang: 1 damage; Simon: 1 damage]

Imp3: Flies down and also breaths at Ning, Nang, Necesh, Simon and Betimi. [Reflex saves DC12] [Damage 5 or 2 on a successful save] [Nang: 2 damage; Simon: 2 damage]

Imp4: Physically attacks Guard4 and misses.

Imp5: Physically attacks Guard5 and hits for 1 damage.  Rolleyes

Imp6: Breaths on Kee, Forge and Guard3.  [DC12 reflex saves.  Damage is 3 or 1] [Kee: 3 damage; Forge: 3 damage; Guard3: 3 damage]
Imp7: Breaths on Forge, Guard3, Guard2.  [DC 12 reflex saves.  Damage is 4 or 2] [Forge: 2 damage; Guard3: 4 damage, Guard2: 2 damage]

Imp8: Breaths on Guard3, Guard2, Guard1. [DC 12 reflex saves.  Damage is 4 or 2] [All failed: 4 damage]

Tomeal follows Selina on board. [Full round action]

Kee summons a spiritual weapon and sends it after Imp6.  The imp had no chance to avoid the shimmering blade [rolled 19] as it slashes the creature across the chest.  [Damage 5]

Forge readies to slash at any imp that gets close to him.

[OoC: If I missed something I'm sorry but this post took longer than I expected and I needed to get to bed. ]

Everyone else's turn!!    Remember, everyone has +1 to attack due to Ning's Bless spell.

[Image: WRUl4rT.png]
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(03-17-2019, 08:24 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Imp3: Flies down and also breaths at Ning, Nang, Necesh, Simon and Betimi. [Reflex saves DC12] [Damage 5 or 2 on a successful save] [Nang: 2 damage; Simon: 2 damage]
[Reflex save [1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12]

Betimi grunts as the winds buffet her [5 dmg]

She yells "They are air mephits!!  Not only can they Blur, but they can blast Gust of Wind, careful at the rails!"

(03-17-2019, 08:24 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Everyone else's turn!!    Remember, everyone has +1 to attack due to Ning's Bless spell.

Betimi proceeds o be anything but careful as instead of nocking an arrow sh flips a throwing scarab into her hand *they count as magical) and hurls it at Imp3 since he is close.

[Attack: Scarab+bless [1d20+9] = 19+9 = 28; Damage [1d6] = 4, + acid dmg [1d6] = 5]

Then she moves 5' to E7. Amd as a move action unslings her quiver to hold it and the bow out for Selina or Tomreal to grab.  "Simon says this will hit them now."
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[OoC Before Eek can decide what to do I need to know how high or low above him Imp2 is.. bearing in mind that I am pretty darn hidden. (Hide 33; Move silent 34)]
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(03-18-2019, 02:08 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [OoC Before Eek can decide what to do I need to know how high or low above him Imp2 is.. bearing in mind that I am pretty darn hidden.  (Hide 33; Move silent 34)]

[OoC: The creature is right beside you.  They don't have fly-by-attack so he hasn't had time to fly away yet. But it is morning too.  

So he didn't see you as he swooped down to breath on everyone because of the railing. He wanted to stay 5' away but so he stopped to breath on everyone but now he can see you because you can't hide in plain site but he breathed anyways hoping his defenses will protect him.]
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Reflex save [1d20+6] = 3+6 = 9

Ow 6 damage.

(03-18-2019, 02:35 AM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(03-18-2019, 02:08 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [OoC Before Eek can decide what to do I need to know how high or low above him Imp2 is.. bearing in mind that I am pretty darn hidden.  (Hide 33; Move silent 34)]

[OoC: The creature is right beside you.  They don't have fly-by-attack so he hasn't had time to fly away yet. But it is morning too.  

So he didn't see you as he swooped down to breath on everyone because of the railing. He wanted to stay 5' away but so he stopped to breath on everyone but now he can see you because you can't hide in plain site but he breathed anyways hoping his defenses will protect him.]

[OoC Your game, but ??  That's not how hide is supposed to work.  Hide in plain sight is for if I am in plain sight then try to hide.  Hiding before he gets adjacent = still hidden otherwise no rogue could sneak attack EVER. If you have ever been on a sailing vessel you'll know there are ropes and rigging EVERYWHERE.. 

If he was already there when I hid that would make sense but if simply moving adjacent to a hidden person reveals them instantly, then Hide becomes simply useless.   In this case it just changes the order of my actions and his save DC by a big 1 point

Was going to use cloaked casting.  Cloaked Casting (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a beguiler's spells become more effective when cast against an unwary foe. You gain a +1 bonus to the spell's save DC when you cast a spell that targets any foe who would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not).]

Abruptly terrified that the creature came so close Ningalu takes a 5' step backwards to I7, then waves his clawed hand in an Obi-wan Kenobi, 'These are not the droids you are looking for' fashion.  )Only somatic components for this spell)

He casts Distract (https://dndtools.net/spells/spell-compen...act--4403/) Targeting Imp2 and if it is within 30' of Imp2 he also targets Imp3.  (Save DC = 14)

As a free action he retrieves a potion of healing from his potion belt.
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Quote:OoC Your game, but ??  That's not how hide is supposed to work.  Hide in plain sight is for if I am in plain sight then try to hide.  Hiding before he gets adjacent = still hidden otherwise no rogue could sneak attack EVER. If you have ever been on a sailing vessel you'll know there are ropes and rigging EVERYWHERE.. 

If he was already there when I hid that would make sense but if simply moving adjacent to a hidden person reveals them instantly, then Hide becomes simply useless.   In this case it just changes the order of my actions and his save DC by a big 1 point

[OoC:  To me, if the thing you're using to hide in or behind suddenly disappears or is no longer blocking line of site then you no longer can use it to hide behind.  For example, you hide in a shadow and then someone points a flashlight where you're hiding.  Do you suddenly become impervious to illumination.  Or if you're hiding behind a door and your opponent opens the door, are you still hidden from him just because you succeeded on your hide roll?  Another example, if someone is sneaking down an empty hallway and a guard walks around the corner how is he not going to see you?

In this case, the Mephit would have had to fly under any ropes to breath on the group.  The railing or ropes no longer block line of site so you should now be visible.  If you had hide in plain sight or if I had a box on the map that was between you and the mephit then that would be different.  But Ning is still hidden from all the other Mephits.

All that said, I will look around to see if there are any rules that cover this. ]
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Selina, thanks to the heroism of Tomeal, makes it back to the blessed ‘stability’ of the airship.  Gripping the railing with a deadman’s (deadwoman’s?) grip, she trembles as she slowly clambers over, not wanting to ponder just how close she came to meeting her goddess far too early.  Her metal armor clinks and clamors as she hoists herself onto the deck, landing with a loud thump.  Now sure of her footing, she looks at the nearest mephit and glares at it.

“This will not end well for you or your ilk.”

[[Boards ship at E7. She allows Tomeal to take the enchanted bow, he’d probably do better with it anyway.]]
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(03-19-2019, 03:43 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: Selina, thanks to the heroism of Tomeal, makes it back to the blessed ‘stability’ of the airship.  Gripping the railing with a deadman’s (deadwoman’s?) grip, she trembles as she slowly clambers over, not wanting to ponder just how close she came to meeting her goddess far too early.  Her metal armor clinks and clamors as she hoists herself onto the deck, landing with a loud thump.  Now sure of her footing, she looks at the nearest mephit and glares at it.

“This will not end well for you or your ilk.”

[[Boards ship at E7.  She allows Tomeal to take the enchanted bow, he’d probably do better with it anyway.]]

[OoC: Ok, on the first round you climbed onto the stern of the ship and moved to E7.  Dog licks you excitedly!  Now this is Round 2, what does Selina do?  

Due to the order of initiative, Tomeal wasn't able to climb onto the ship until Round 2.  ]
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Crusaders ready their maneuvers randomly.  So I will apply two d5 rolls using the order the maneuvers show up on her sheet as reference and discard any repetitions.

[1d5] = 1; [1d5] = 3 ((Crusader’s Strike and Charging Minotaur readied)).

Selina spares a smile and a scratch behind the ears for the Dog, then turns grim again, slowly drawing her massively long blade from its scabbard as she assumes a wide-set stance.

“Come and get me!”

[[Assumes Iron Guard’s Glare stance.  All enemies within Selina’s threatened area take -4 penalty to anyone OTHER than Selina they try to attack.  All enemies who are in her threatened area are aware of this effect.]]
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[OoC popcorn the mephits response should be entertaiming at least... hope your still tied to that rope.. watches as three gust of Wind spells suddenly puff up Selina's dangling chute]
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