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[IC] Finding Benjamin
Malcom is going to let go of Trevor, and suddenly give Masque a telekinetic shove
Telekinesis RM26 [1d100] = 46 GREEN F

Hit on a Charge.
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[OoC:  Even though you are using TK, a charge attacks require at least one area to initiate.  You're standing too close to Masque to initiate such an attack.  Until you develop a Kinetic Bolt, you can only do with TK what you could do with your hands.  Like pick up an object and beat him or grapple.  I'm not even sure if a charge attack is possible with TK because it's basically the same thing as a Kinetic Bolt which is a power stunt.]
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[OoC what objects are handy?]
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Much of the chamber is standing room only.  There are a couple of milk crates people are sitting on as well as what appears to be a large throne made of barrels and kegs against the back wall behind Masque.

Kind of like this...
[Image: CdKTIEo.jpg]

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Malcolm launches one of the kegs at Masque as hard as he can.
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One of the kegs that are piled in the shape of a throne suddenly flies off the pile and hits Masque in the back.

[OoC: How much damage do you plan to do?  The kegs are made from Stainless Steel which is stronger than regular steel but it is thin.  Thickness is part of what determines material strength.  Steel has a Material Strength of RM.  So if SS is +1 rank or Incredible rank but since a keg is fairly thin then for now we will assume the kegs are RM strength.  I will check the Judges book in the morning to see if there is any more additional information. 

So the max damage you can do is RM 26.  Remember normal humans have on average 24 health. ]

Meanwhile outside the room you hear muffled screams and rumbles that seem to be getting closer.
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Malcolm was launching the keg with all his considerable Telekinetic might (Rm26)
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Malcolm bashes Masque in the back with the keg.  The Morlock leader screams.  The Morlocks in the room are shocked and for the moment seem frozen with bewilderment as no one dared to hit their terrible leader.  

Masque growls and attempts to grab for you but the keg must have knocked him off balance and he misses.  [Rolled 16]

[Ooc: We better roll initiative.  In case you forgot, roll 1d100 and add your intuition to the roll. ]
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Initiative [1d100+26] = 85+26 = 111
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[OoC: It's Malcolm's turn...

I also want to point out that killing the enemy is typically a no-no for heroes.  Remarkable 26 damage would instantly take out a typical human.  Masque could have easily had less than average health and that blow possibly could have done more than just knock him unconscious. ]
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