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(07-19-2018, 03:37 AM)Man in Black Wrote: Thanks for believing in me.  Yes, been having loads of fun with my granddaughter.  Also enjoying my new job even though I don't have the down time for posting.  I'm slowly working my way back in to everything.  I'll get this up and running again soon.  Just nobody ask me to join any new games.

Yay! And no new games??? B-b-but there's a game of Sabacc going on in the mess hall! ;-) 

It's good to hear from you, MiB!
Is everyone still around? 

I'm posting here to make sure the thread shows some activity before an inactivity limit is reached.  Better safe than sorry.
Still here in prison! I am definitely up for continuing on... uh, with the mission, not with staying in prison!
Still here, probably getting into the wrong crowd by now selling contraband.
Posting to make sure this game doesn't go away.  

Who's still around?
Garlen gives s silent nod
Korstyn stands in silent solemnity.
Nova nods — Land of Nod that this prison is! We have to find that Jedi!

(And OOC belated Holiday greetings, all!)
So I will archive this game.  When a story gets near or over a thousand posts, It has enough investment to get archived and not deleted.  If anyone wants to pick up the DM'ing or collect story bits or writing you have 30 days from today to let me know before I archive it.

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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.