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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
Ooc - having three dmpcs and an npc it's closer to writing a novel but... anyway.

The dragon presses on and Lugar sidesteps at the last second, Shanna close second. They are practically within the large cavity. The closing ranks become the front as Merri is more than happy to retrace her steps, keeping as much distance between her and the beast as possible. Presumably Toot's paranoia of being crushed like so many of their kin urges druid and companion alike to follow the elven knight. Having no better idea and keeping his wits, Torin decides to seem with the flow, i.e. roll with this scaly avalanche of meat and motions to Zel to follow suit. Giant, keeping his bow at the ready, is probably all but pressed into the wall as the beast squeezes past.

At the intersection, Merri decides to go left, unwilling to be cornered. Torin and Zel follow. The dragon stops at the T intersection and a pearly white flash erupts on the north wall. (Roll for spellcraft if you have ranks). A silhouette of a door appears when the flash recedes.

Then he raises one of his claws to touch the stone....

(breathing space, tbc, comment wherever you wish)

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
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Giant tries to cast an invisibility but he isn't able to do it so he continues blinking. With a sense motive check (DC5) everybody can read from his face "What the f..., what a ....?"
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Quote:"Goat turd, yes, thank you, oh terrible one," Toot grovels.  "Allowing us to be in your presence is incredibly magnanimous of you, oh generous but terrifying Sovereign.  The wards are a stunning masterpiece."

While Toot is groveling, he will hesitantly glance at the stonework, allowing his helm of comprehend languages and read magic, to do its work.  

[OoC1: I was wondering about Toot's comprehend languages and read magic helm?]

[OoC2: Toot will give the dragon a wide birth but being 3 or more sizes smaller than the creature means Toot doesn't have to move.  He can move through the dragon's square without any trouble as long as the dragon doesn't decide to attack Toot.]

Quote:Very Small Creature
A Fine, Diminutive, or Tiny creature can move into or through an occupied square. The creature provokes attacks of opportunity when doing so.

Square Occupied by Creature Three Sizes Larger or Smaller
Any creature can move through a square occupied by a creature three size categories larger than it is.

Toot scurries out of the way of the oncoming dragon.  At this very moment Toot was so scared he would not be against climbing into Boo's butthole if he thought it would help.
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