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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
Extended barkskin, ie. AC, or extended pfe, i.e. absorb? I guess you edited one part and forgot the other...

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
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(09-21-2018, 01:51 AM)Toot Wrote: [Pre Dragon...]

Toot will cast Extended Resist Energy (acid) on himself/Boo (160 minutes); 20 Acid Resistance
Then he will cast Extended Barkskin on himself/Boo (160 minutes)
Protection from Energy (Acid) on Lugar. (80 minutes)   Actually I just noticed I have a second resist Energy spell memorized.  Would Lugar want a Resist Energy or a Protection from Energy?  Toot would be willing to extend the Resist energy but probably not the Protection from Energy.  The reason is the Protection spell only protects from 96 damage before being dispelled while the Resist Energy will keep absorbing 20pts per attack for its entire duration.

Reminder that Toot cast an Extended Magic Fang back when we fought the Mantis'/Mantises(?).  Duration 16 hours.  I don't know how long it's been since that combat.

[After shitting his pants...]

Toot wanted to eloquently express how deeply honored they were to be in this dragon's magnificent presence but his great wisdom told him that his words would likely sound more like a smattering of cave-speak than a passionate speech.  He even considers summoning a Satyr to do the negotiating for them but knew the creature was more adept at bluffing than diplomacy.

Yes Lugar would want protection very much! And also some healing, unless I missed something along the way?
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Toot will cast Protection from Acid on Lugar.  [Absorbs 96hp's of acid damage]
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Can we see other exits from dragons lair? SG also looking for treasures behind/under the dragon.
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[OoC: Initiative +3; Result: 11 ]
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OOC - sorry for the great delays. This game is mine, my own, my precious... yet I failed to dedicate even the minimum time frame needed to keep it running. As it stands, we have inits for four and the girls are DMPC (I guess no way to drag MIB back in if I can't drag myself in...) Anyway, here it goes.
The spells cast in preparation are as Toot and Torin listed. Don't forget to factor them in.

"This is a very bad idea," Merri says quietly and sidestaps behind the corner, squeezing against the wall right next to Boo.

Giant reacts quickly but does not take any action... yet.
It seems your words aren't enough good too, dude... What's the problem with our words? I can't understand. - he whispers to Lugar
Straining his eyes to see past the dragon's cavern-filling form Giant manages to get a glimpse of glittering treasure lying neatly on the floor behind the dragon, and even some objects of value decorate the walls.

Torin, on the other hand, throws a furball above Zelgadis' head,
"Simba I chose you. Attack!" ((OOC - I guess it's more like Nala...))
The lion that appears charges straight at the hulking beast with all its ferocity. The front and rear claws all skid off the oily scales but the jaws lock on the dragon-- power not quite enough to penetrate the scales, causing naught but annoyance!

... and all of a sudden, a billowing cloud of sickly yellowish green bursts forth from Koriolis' widely open mouth!
As if on cue, Zelgadis reaches out with his empty hand, exclaiming,
Air Valm!
and a shimmering wall of wind springs forth in front of him.
The lion is blown away by the burst, becoming charred from the corrosive effect, a lifeless lump of coal, before disappearing into whence it came.
The burst reaches the stone sorcerer's protective ward, pushing him backwards, into Lugar and Giant! He stomps one step back, setting his heavy booted feet firmly to the ground and leaning full force against the pressure.
"Tseh!" he makes a frustrated noise, holding fast against the power.
But the barrier holds until the burst is finished and the gas dissipates.
Zelgadis falls to one of his knees, breathing heavily. The protective barrier holds, wavering.

OOC - everyone roll Will save against Frightful Presence (any modifiers vs fear apply). If you don't beat DC24 then you are shaken for 4d6 rounds (I will roll secretly).
Quote: A shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

Lugar draws back closer to and behind Zelgadis. "Arrgh, I meant no disrespect. We are simply seeking the truth of the matter..." He says with the full force of his low charisma.

Koriolis seems to be a bit startled by Lugar's forthcoming attempt at being respectful but it seems his seething anger has not dissipated.
"You better watch your words then," he hisses.

Toot ...
(and everyone else is also up!)
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[url=[1d20+7] = 7+7 = 14]Will save[/url]
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[ Toot's Will Save: +14; Result 21; Told you I would fail  Dodgy ]

[Boo's Will Save: +2; Result 6  Rolleyes ]

"Please excuse me crude words," Toot squeaks from behind the corner.  "Me dared not speak while within your terrorizing presence, until now.  We not here to fight an incredible and magnificent being such as yourself.  Please hear us out, most powerful, emerald, terror!"
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OoC - Hey, why are we in combat mode? I thought we are in diplomacy mode Smile I have missed something, why have we attacked him?

SG [1d20+5] = 9+5 = 14 init+1 shield other=15

He readies his bow and his feet.
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OOC1 - Wow I missed all your posts... not that it explains why I've been inactive for the bulk of the last several weeks. I'll try to catch up this week.
OOC2 - Rolled will saves for those away. note to @Torin - if your fort's misc 0/3/6 means +3 racial vs poison and +3 racial vs spells then I don!t think they are cumulative against poison spells. In case it'll ever matter.
OOC3 - Giant, your cloak of res does not stack with shield other's res bonus. However, I guess all of you forgot +1 morale from bless. Not that it would've helped anyone...

A faint jitter can be heard as the elven knight clenches her teeth, adjusting her defensive stance with unease, though only Toot and Torin can see her in the closing ranks. Shanna stops taking in all the vast knowledge that might be hidden by all the runes and reliefs around and turns face to face with the beast! just as the pungent odour of jermlaine feces penetrates her nostrils.
"He's right o mighty Koriolis," she says, "We seek knowledge and no carnage."

The dragon emits a low growl, as if amused by the development.
"Let the squeaker walk forth and parlay, then," he says in a much friendlier tone.

Private to Toot + Merri
The voice reminds elf and jermlaine of a cat playing with a mouse. He's very good at fainting friendship but some are capable of seeing through his attempt.
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