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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
The sound of chainmail was muffled beneath his travelling clothes and the large wolf pelt that he kept wrapped about his shoulder. one hand laid resting lightly on the pommel of his long sword, which looked rather small considering his thickly muscled frame. His stormy gaze taking in the small town at a glance, he shrugged his shoulders slightly. It could be worse I guess. After the opulence that is Silverymoon, it was actually somewhat of a compliment. 

I say we secure rooms, then go see this Kerowyn lass.
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---Mourn and Lovise---

(DM - Both of your roll Perception and Investigation as you walk into town.)

---Athos and Leloth---

[Image: FF26YeR.png?1]

The Innkeeper gave Athos a soft smile though his gaze was slightly concerned when he saw Leloth. He quickly covered it and turned back to Athos, "Yes sir, I am indeed. What can I do for you today?"

---Arius, Nightingale, and Kriv---

The three find the Village Hall easily enough from the information Arius gathered. They walked in through the front doors and saw a little old human lady sitting behind a desk scratching her quill relentlessly across a piece of parchment. She seems to have a stack on each side of her, one outgoing and one incoming. She doesn't look up when all of you enter. "What can I do for you?  If you're here about the apple, It only comes around once a year, villagers have priority and it goes to the highest bider."  She shakes one of the pieces of parchment accusingly at the three of you, "And no! .....We don't take mail orders for gods sake."
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Perception: 1d20+4 13
Investigation: 1d20 13
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Lovise quietly padded along to Mourn's left, decidedly more put-together looking, but also not expensively dressed.

"I agree.... Though... It might be wise to bathe. Just a thought."

Perception (Unskilled): 1d20+1 6

Investigation: 1d20+4 22
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Am I truly that road ripe m'lady? Mourn asked with a smile as he glanced to the half elf on his left. They'd been travelling the caravan route for sometime now and had struck up a friendship, though he honestly wasn't one for a lot of talking, he found his voice and his good humor came easily when speaking to her.
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"Good day madame. We are not here for the apple, not exactly anyway.  Rather we have come to assist in the matter of some missing adventurers?"
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Kriv leaned on his staff and waited for the lady to look up. Considering his bulk this was well disturbing to behold. Still the wizard was happy to let others do the talking. He just wanted to hear the details.
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Leloth looked at the barkeep and simply asked for a drink after her long journey. She asks as an afterthought if it were possible to play music here for some more “Pocket change.”
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Athos nodded, "Actually, We're here about the rumors of the two missing adventurers that went to investigate the origin of the apple. Any information regarding the going ons around town or the sunken fortress would be useful."
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---Mourn and Lovise---

After asking a few towns people and looking around, the pair find themselves at the local general store.  Apparently the Noble offering the reward for the missing adventurers resides here.  Or at the very least spends most of her time here. 

---Athos and Leloth---

[Image: FF26YeR.png?1]

The Innkeeper returns Athos's smile. "Information is free with a drink, a silver without." 

No waiting for a decision on how he was going to purchase Garon continued, "There's two people in town that you should talk too, besides myself of course.  One is Kerowyn Hucrele, she related to the two missing adventurers and offering a reward for there return. Then there's the mayor. He's been tasked with hiring someone to get down there to the Sunless Citadel an figure out where the goblins are getting that magic apple.  After you leave here, I'd make sure to drop by the Village Hall and the General Store, where they can usually be found."

---Arius, Nightingale and Kriv---

The old woman gets up and walks over to a large oak door and she cracks it open. She called inside. "Adventurers here to talk about the Citadel!" 

A voice called from within the room, "Send em in!" 

The old woman motioned for the three adventurers to go inside. 

They move toward the door and see an older man sitting behind a desk. 

[Image: Yn4yrui.png?1]

He looks up at the group and motions them all forward, "Come in, Come in.  You're here about the Investigation of the Citadel and the missing Adventurers?"
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