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[IC] Chapter 2-5: You're whirling 'round...
Ooc - Did Lugar activate his Ring of Blinking?
OOC - indeed I missed this part, so yes, that can be Lugar's action.
(06-21-2018, 11:04 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: First Round

13 - Shanna ... (note: her list is incorrect, she cannot have necromantic or enchantment spells. Enlarge Person is transmutation so I'm willing to pretend that she has it memorised...)

13 - Ok, do it Smile (range: close), she has a move action too
10 - Drake...
Lugar starts blinking.
Shanna casts an arcane spell on Giant who grows to twice his original size.
The drake slams its claws at Lugar twice in quick succession. The first one is a devastating blow (AC40, crit confirm AC29, blink avoided, -18hp), and the second one goes straight through where Lugar's head was a blink of an eye before (AC27 but saved by blink's miss chance)

Giant, Toot are up!
(next round: Merri, Torin, Lugar, Shanna)

OOC @Lugar - roll20 says you have 30 of 45hp; I guess your sig is closer to the truth, i.e. now you have 57-18 = 39 of 57
The large Giant flies into a rage and moves (flies) 40ft slashing the drake. "Leave my dude alone." - shouts

SG attack [1d20+17] = 20+17 = 37, dmg [2d6+14] = 9+14 = 23
SG attack critical x3? [1d20+17] = 11+17 = 28, dmg [2d6+14] = 12+14 = 26

EDIT: SG dmg3 [2d6+14] = 10+14 = 24 if it was a critical hit

dmg sum: 23 or 73

EP: +2str,-2dex,-1attack,10ft reach
Rage: +4str,+4con,-2AC
Giant flies axe-ahead into the creature and delivers a devastating blow. It would probably bleed an average dragon of this size to death but this particular dragon does not seem to bleed. Actually, the whole creature seems to be made of the same pearly white material!
(OOC - 3D printed? Smile )
Private to Lugar
this white stuff seems to be the same as the goo holding him captive.
Merri watches the creature in disbelief but Shanna immediately slaps on her forehead.
"I knew it wasn't a dragon! It's a construct!"

Toot's up!
OOC - applying 48h rule...

Toot stays hidden, too frightened of the unnatural creature to show up.
Boo understands and stays alert, ready to protect his tiny master should need arise.

Second Round
Merri charges at the creature but the keen greatsword (AC17) bounces off harmlessly of the creature's uniformly tough body!
Torin steps closer to SG and casts a Shield Other on him (ooc - The subject gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus on saves.). After this Torin will stay closer to SG, he follows him, ... and automaticaly warns him if SG wants move farther.
Lugar reacts instinctively to the dragon construct's vicious attacks and swings his axe on the defensive. (Combat Expertise -5/+5, Fighting Defensively -4/+3)  He then rolls to his right to set up a flank attack for Silent Giant.  "SG, get him from behind!" He calls out.

1st attack 1d20+2 = 21 
damage 1d8+5= 12
miss% = 18
2nd attack 1d20-3 = 1 
damage = why bother?Smile

Ooc +2 attack from Blink spell puts Lugar at -9 to attack and +8 dodge bonus to AC

Ooc2 New AC 27 /Touch 20 = +8+19

Ooc3 I suggest Shanna use a wand if she has one, like Magic Missle?
OOC - as I mentioned, Lugar is stranded in place by the goo. He can swing his axe (with penalties) but cannot take a five-foot-step (nor can he move 5 ft as a move or full round action for that matter).
OOC2 - fascinating. PF and 3.5 versions of Blink differ somewhat.
OOC3 - Shanna has no offensive wand (other than true strike). Her spells are not that offensive either. Maybe Slow is her most offensive spell that applies to situation...

Lugar's full defensive blow is expertly swung but winks out of this plane at the very moment it would have made contact!

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