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Halfway though garding pappers. Not much has happend here i see. I hope we aint dead

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
All us players are here but MiB has been away a little bit from all his campaigns. he will resurface, always does
Just bought a house so i wont check 7n as ofen as there seems to be little activity nowdays.

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
We're all waiting up on MiB, though, right?
MiB likely got distracted by his new grandchild. He always comes back around though, so just check back periodically.  

If something drastic changes @Stormhowl or myself will let you guys know.
Thumbs Up 
(06-20-2018, 01:57 PM)Rahullu Wrote: Just bought a house so i wont check 7n as ofen as there seems to be little activity nowdays.

Congratulations on the new Kashyyyk Tree House, Rahullu!  Wink

(06-20-2018, 02:49 PM)DM Spiral Wrote: MiB likely got distracted by his new grandchild. He always comes back around though, so just check back periodically.  

If something drastic changes @Stormhowl or myself will let you guys know.

Thank you for the heads up and for keeping an eye on things, DM Spiral. And congrats on the new grandchild, MiB!

Will definitely stick around for the game's eventual revival!
MiB will return.. this happens occasionally we simply await his return
Thanks for believing in me. Yes, been having loads of fun with my granddaughter. Also enjoying my new job even though I don't have the down time for posting. I'm slowly working my way back in to everything. I'll get this up and running again soon. Just nobody ask me to join any new games.
Hooray! he's back!
soon anyway

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