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[IC] Medical Bay (Dez Synn + Zero)
Zero readies an action to shoot the soldier if he tries to resist in any way.

"Drop your weapons," Zero says to the soldier.
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The trooper reaches slowly down , and if not shot, pulls his blaster from the holster, dropping it and kicking it under the examination bed.
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The Droid then says, "You should leave madame.  The stunning won't last forever and you might not have another chance to escape."
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Dez bends down and retrieves the other blaster from under the bed. Then moves to Theda and quickly searches her, looking for any of her gear.

"I have no idea how to get out of here from this point.  Can you guide me? If you stay, Holon Veil will have them put a restraining bolt on you. You will be as much a slave as he was trying to make me."
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Dez quickly finds her pistol, and her Utility belt with it's stowed gear, then finds some useful items that Theda had.

The only gear Dez had that was still on her is her holster.

Originally belonging to Dez and carried by Theda:
  • Blaster Pistol (1,550 cr., 1 kg, Increased Damage +2, Quick Draw)
  • Holster (Hip, 25 cr., 0.5 kg)
  • Survival Knife (100 cr., 1.4 kg)
  • Datapad
  • Com unit
  • Utility Belt (500 cr., 4 kg)
  • Food capsules: 3 days
  • Medpac
  • Toolkit
  • Power pack
  • Energy cell
  • Glow rod
  • Comlink
  • Liquid cable dispenser w/ grappling hook
  • Credit Chip (100 cr., contains - 4,825 cr.)
  • 2 x Merr-Sonn 'Flash' 4 Heavy Blaster pistols (750 cr, each, 1.3 Kg each) (stock heavy blaster)
  • 2 E-cells
  • Flak vest armour
  • Helmets with built in comm-link
Theda's gear
  • Merr-sonn Model 44 Blaster pistol (650cr, 1 kg) (stock blaster pistol)
  • Merr-sonn Model Q2 Hold-out Blaster pistol (300 cr, 0.5kg) (stock hold-out blaster pistol)
  • 3 x Energy cells
  • Holster (Hip, 25 cr., 0.5 kg)
  • Holster (Ankle, 25 cr., 0.5 kg)
  • Survival Knife (100 cr., 1.4 kg)
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With its gun still pointing at the conscious guard, the red lens on Zero's eye narrows, then swivels back and forth between the guards as if considering the situation. 

"Perhaps you could strip Theda and wear her gear to disguise yourself as a guard to aid in our escape." 
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[OoC Theda is not a guard.. she is a vry distinctive looking blue skinned Twi'lek female clad in all black leathers, well known in the lower levels as the barmaid at the Miner's Cantina. Apparently she also sidelines somewhat. But no one would mistake her outfit for a guards]
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Then get into the other unconscious guy's clothes.
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Dez grabs the blasters and gear off Theda, then does as the droid suggests. She will hand one of the heavy blasters to the droid if he accepts it, it looks like it will pack more punch than the one he has now.

Then she strips the unconscious guard and tries on the likely ill fitting guard uniform and armour.

Fastening on the helmet.. "How do I look?"
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"Visually satisfactory.  However you need to exude an aura of pathetic incompetence.  A certain hopelessness where you realize you are nothing more than a meat shield who will likely die a horrible, lonely, death; a complete disappointment to your family."

Another arm pops out from the side of the perfect sphere and takes the heavy pistol offered by Dez, and says, "If you require my assistance to navigate this station we will need to place this guard in a safe place."

[Zero will check what setting the Heavy blaster is set on.  If it's not on stun, Zero will set it to stun.]
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