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[IC] Into Barovia
Soon after setting out from the inn, the sky becomes heavily overcast.  A drizzle begins to fall, turning the road into a muddy mess.  The weather seems to be concentrated due West, right in the party's path.  The darkness forming ahead promised worsening weather.  To add to the eerie feel, wolves could be heard howling in the distance.  

The first hour of the trip is uneventful.  The howls never amount to anything, but the mists begins to build.  It starts with a dew swirling mists, but it thickens the more the horses plod on.
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"If this fog gets any thicker we should light lanterns or torches to keep track of each other, or perhaps even stop and kindle a fire until the fog passes. We help no one if we are lost."
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Tinarawen sits relaxed on her horse.  She spread a cloak over her shoulders once the rain began but acts otherwise unaffected by the weather. "I can see you fine.  There are other elven eyes to keep the group together as well. We will not allow you to stray should it get too dark."
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Before they set off on their journey Mardigan rubs his hands then holds them together, as if in prayer, and says these magic words, his eyes closed. "Fire, fire, deep within, warming, heating, ahhing, begin!" (Casted the Warmth Cantrip)  Mardigan's body gives a shudder as warmth creeps over his body. He offers to do the same for everyone else.

"Yes, Sir Sumayl, this fog is unnaturally thick.  I shall try to provide some illumination."  Mardigan then rolls an imaginary ball in his hands as he says the words, "Bright blue sky of the day, glow glow and light the way!" (cast bluelight cantrip) A small three inch glowing sphere appears in his palm.  The light isn't strong but does radiate an eerie blue glow that magically stops five feet from it's source.
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Alynorae quietly rides along with her companions.  She watches for omens from her gods or from nature.  

[OoC: We should probably make a marching order.  I assume the cavalier will want to be in front.  Where do other people see themselves in marching order?  Aly can be pretty much anywhere.  She is a strong fighter so it would be nice to be up front.  But she has a strong AC so she might be also good at guarding the rear. ]
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Sumayl doesn't even offer debate, he naturally simply spurs his horse to the lead.
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The howling grows louder as the party progresses. After another 30 minutes of travel, a warg leaps out of the mists in front of the group. The horses become hard to control as other wargs come from all around to attack the group.

(One representative from the group roll 1d6 for surprise and 1d6 for initiative.)
init. [1d6] = 5
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(Guess that will be me.)

Surprise [1d6] = 4

Initiative [1d6] = 3
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The wargs go on the attack. They leap at horses and riders, biting with oversized fangs. The riders are able to fend off the attacks, but the horses of Sumayl, Tinarawen, and Alynorae take wounds.

(Make a d20 roll vs. Wis to control your mounts, +2 without prof.)
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[Riding check [1d20] = 6 vs Wisdom - Success, albeit Riding is supposed to be a dex based skill not wis based]

[OoC guess I should actually put the steeds stats in my character sheet.. not the medium warhorse he has would have +2hp per die (without exceeding the max hp per die) and has chain barding (not that that will make much difference to the wargs)]
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